Chapter 8

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There was a gun aimed to his head.... to Jayceon's head he stood there looking unbothered but once he saw me, saw the tears running down my face he looked like his heart was ripped out of his chest. I tried to run and run to get closer to him but the more I ran the further I got, I was getting frustrated to the fact that I might not get there in time but I continued to run.

The closer and closer I got I thought I could reach out and grab him until there was so much distance between us again, I was so confused. Warmed hot tears ran down my face I wanted to give up until I heard my mothers voice in my ear " don't give up yet baby your a Legend, Legend's never settle for less than what they want " I turned in the direction she was in only to see dust. I ran and ran, the closer I got the happier I was. As soon as I was close enough I saw the face of the shooter it was.... me?

She had a huge smirk on her face, I was so confused but after I heard the sound of a gun being shot I stop dead in my tracks. A couple feet away from where his body laid instead of shooting him in his head she shot him in his chest. I ran to him and tried to stop the bleeding but it just wouldn't stop pouring out , I started crying and panicking until he grabbed my wrist his hold wasn't too strong nor weak it was in between he told me to stop worrying , I look dead in his eyes noticing that they were grey but the first time I saw him they were brown. I calmed down but his eyelids shut I started panicking yelling for help but nobody stopped, nobody looked towards us, we were in the middle of a park with so many people that did nothing. I saw David and Charles afar but the only thing on my mind was Jayceon. His eyelids fluttered open looking at me I kissed him, his hold on my wrist got loose. His eyes closed. His breaths got shorter. His chest stopped going up and down. " Jayceon ?! " I cried hoping he would wake up.. "Jayceon!!!! wake up please I'm so sorry "


2 in the morning it's fucking 2 in the morning and somebody keeps on calling my phone non stop. It stopped ringing then started again I was ready to throw it across the room then stopped since I just got it. I looked at my screen noticing it was Cassidy, fuck she calling me for this early in the morning? I answered the phone hearing somebody cry but it won't Cas cause this person sniffing, Cas don't do none of that she just be straight sobbing..

" ugh Jayceon ? hey it's Bre uhm i need you to come to Cassidy's place now. I promise I'll explain everything when you arrive. How soon can you come ? " I quickly got up after I heard her voice I didn't even have time to grab a shirt I slipped on a pair of slides grabbed a pair of keys and hopped in the car when I saw the lights blink.


I got to her house in under 10 minutes the quickest drive I ever got there. I knocked on her door and Bre appeared with red eyes like she's been crying. But I really wanted to know what happened to Cas so I dived right into the situation.

" Where is she ? is she okay ? is she here ? what the fuck happened to her Bre ? " I was dead ass worried she call me crying and answer the door crying but no Cas ?
She started walking so I followed her, she opened the door and there was Cassidy, with tears streaming down her face and flipping all over the bed. She continued to mumble things but I couldn't hear her from the distance.

I looked at Breauna with eyes so wide trying to figure out what's wrong with her, I guess she notice so she explained to me how it's all because of what happened with her getting raped and losing the baby. She has nightmares for a couple of months around this time sometimes she's okay and other times she like this in her sleep.

" so why not wake her up ? " I asked confused if she goes through all of this why not wake her up. " while she has the dreams it's not good to wake her cause then they'll happen more often and it's really hard to wake her up also that's why it's best for someone to hold her and stay with her while she's in this condition. " I thought it was dumb that we couldn't wake her up but i guess I understand why. I slid out of my slides and climbed in the bed with Cassidy, we weren't on the best terms but regardless I'll be there for her as a friend or even more...?

I'll try and post another chapter tonight or tomorrow , comment, vote and add my book to your reading list 😋 also read Enough Is Enough 💘

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