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The year is 2014, as Grim looks outside to see walkers roaming the streets she looks down at her rifle and her bag which had dog tags of her brother and sister in arms and other things she needed to survive, she sigh through her gas mask and looks down at her watch which is reading 0333, she puts out the fire and grabs her stuff and slowly walks away quietly trying to keep her distance from walkers, she slowly starts speeding up and jogging on a railway, hoping for death for someone or something to kill her, but she wasn't going to go down without a fight, she looks down at her M4A1 carbin rifle and her last 3 Mags, her m4 is painted black her mag had a symbol with a skull on it, *4 hours past* slowly walking, she looks at her watch again which now reads 0733 she looks ahead to see a small train station with a derain trian-box. She looks at a sign which reads "friendly ? Ring bell" she looks around and see no bells and she walks slowly to see some dead walkers leading up to the station and opens the door to see two walkers tied up groaning and growling in the front she looks at the note on the floor which says "leave us alone we chose this" she looks in the back to see a hatch leading down and she looks down the hatch to see broken class and food everywhere she goes down to see if anything was left, she sighs through her mask "least it better than nothing" putting some food in her backpack she walks back outside and sees a trail of dead walks leading to the forest she sees some arrows and a flipped car in a ditch, "hopefully they made it" she said to herself she pulls out a map and a compass she studied the maps to see a school on the map and a creek nearby it, grim sighs "i need to clean myself and get water and eat" she said to herself, she walks deep in the woods grim looks up and sees the school and she stops by the creek and sees some fish traps she look at them ~someones must know how to survive out here~ she thought to herself she see a shed a lil ways up and she walks to it, she slowly opens the door and clears the little shed she put her gun and gear down and opens up her backpack and pulls out a bar of soap and her canteen, she gets near the creek and starts to strip naked taking off her big ballistic vest and mask and gear she sigh "freedom" she gets inside the creek and starts to clean herself, she lays down in the creek enjoying the cold water then she hears her watch beeping she looks at it "breakfast time" she gets out and filled up her canteen and grabs her gear and walks inside the small shed. She puts on her clothes and gear and starts to brush her teeth she looks around and see stuff lying about "wouldn't be bad to live here" the said and she felt happy, she starts eating some of the food she found in the train station, she looks at the bed and lays down and slowly drifts off to sleep. *2 hours past* she slowly wake up and sits on the edge of the bed rubbing her head she grabs her mask and puts it on along with her body armor and helmet she looks outside to see a deer by the creek she couldn't believe what she was seeing she grabs her rifle and looks at it "sorry bud but I need too" she whispered to herself she aims the rifle and shoots one bullet killing the deer she puts her gun down and slowly drags the deer to the porch and as she doing that she hears a boy "what are you doing here?" Grim froze ~finally kill me God please~ she lets go of the deer and turns around slowly with her hands up "easy I'm just trying to survive like you too" she see a boy and a girl the boy is pointing his bow and arrow at her and the girl is holding grim's rifle and points it at her too, grim looks at them and says "what do you want kid ?" The red head girl says in a sassy voice "No no no what do you want?" Grim looks down and says "too no longer be alone.." the boy puts his bow down and says "what are you a raider or something?" Grim's sits down "fuck no I wanna kill every raider there was" the boy squats down looks at grim and says "what's your name ?" Grim reply "name is C.E. or my callsign is grim" the boy looks at her confused and scared "well my name is Assiam and the girl is my lover her name is ruby" grim looks at ruby and says "like the rifle ?" Ruby points the rifle down and slowly puts it down "how many people are with you grim?" Grim sighs is sadness "just me now...I've been alone for a year now and frankly I'm scared" ruby and Assiam look at each other feeling bad for Grim, grim looks at them and says "if you want me too leave I'll leave just let me get my stuff together and you can have the deer is that okay?" Ruby looks at her "aww don't be like that sweetheart you can come with us" in her southern accent.

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