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After four weeks gone grim walks down the town main road with her gear and rifle, she shoots the occasional walkers everyone once in awhile and looks through run down building, she's talked to different people every once in awhile but those are rare she than hears a loud thud and crash in a small house, she walks up slowly behind covers and than a loud bang goes off and the bullet strikes her helmet which the bullet ricochet up she gets behind cover and she yells in her mask "fucking stop !" But the person continue to keep shooting just than the shooting stops and grim gets up and charges the house and breaks open the door and raises her gun pointing it around but sees no one "hello!?" She yells through her mask but no response she slowly starts to check each room and than gets tackled by a dark figure she pushes the man off and grabs her makeshift knife and stabs the man in the shoulder only the get knocked down by another person at which she grabs her rifle and hits a women in the head knocking her out cold she turns on her flash light and the man Yanks the knife out of his shoulder and charges towards her only to get shot in the chest making him fall over dead grim instantly points the gun down at the lady who is also pointing a gun at grim, grim without hesitation pulls the trigger instantly shooting the lady in the head, grim looks at the two people and walks outside panting she grabs her pack and walks away just than a voice yells behind her "Grim ?!" She freezes and turns around pointing her rifle at Louis and marlon who are pointing guns at her she looks at them and takes off her mask "What do you want !?" Grim slowly backs up away from them Marlon yells "who did you shoot at ?!" Grim yells back "they shot me first ! I return fire killing them! Why !?" Louis runs inside the building and comes out mad "you God damn pycho you killed our friends !" Grim looks down and sighs "fuck you they shot at me first !" Marlon and Louis get closer "grim calm down we don't need to fight just surrender please" grim looks at both of them "leave me alone you fucks ! Get any closer I'll shoot !" Just than someone tackles her and hits her head with a rock knocking out grim, grim wakes up hog tied and sees Mitch Marlon and Louis looking through her pack and gear "fucking stop damnit." Mitch looks at her "we aren't the one killing people you bitch" grim looks at Marlon "you're people shot at me first ! I was trying to defend myself!" Louis looks at her "good thing we didn't take Clem or AJ otherwise you would have killed them" grim looks at him horrible "I would've know if it was Clem you asshole even AJ!" Just than Mitch kicks grim in the stomach knocking the wind out of her, grim looks up at the three boys "if your going to kill me than kill me I'm fucking tired" just than ruby walks inside the building "who killed them" she looks down and sees grim and gasp "oh God you didn't" grim looks at her and everyone "I killed them in self defense" Mitch than smacks her across the face "you don't have any room too talk !" Marlon grabs Mitch and pulls him away "Jesus dude stop !" Louis grabs grim and slowly drags her to a makeshift cart and ruby gets on a horse pulling the cart, Louis puts grim in the cart and locks her in and yells "come on you guys!" Mitch and Marlon walk out and walk beside the cart carrying grim's stuff, 30 minutes past and grim sees the school gate and see the place heavily guarded with solider's and defenses grim sighs "great here we go again.." Louis and Marlon look at her and feel guilty "grim if it means anything we're sorry.." Mitch scuffs "fucking pathetic" just than the gate opens and everyone is shocked to see grim again "where's Sarah and Mike ?" Assiam asked, Mitch looks at him "she killed them" and he walks off, just than some soldiers grab grim from the cart and put her on the dirt floor and tie her to the flag pole in the middle of court yard, they look at grim and walk off clearly showing guilt just than simmon walks over and stands over grim "hey kiddo.." grim looks up at him "what do you want ?" Simmon sighs and tries to give her water "get away from me you sick bastard!" She kicks him away and than Mitch walks over and punches grim in the stomach making her fall to her knees everyone looks at Mitch is horror and anger "Mitch that's enough" Clem yells from the balcony Mitch just sighs and walks off mad, grim looks up and sees simmon "grim come on I'm trying to help you." Grim looks away "yeah some help you are bud just leave me alone fucker.." after 3 days back grim is still tied to the flag pole, Clem and everyone are sitting inside the school while it was pouring rain outside talking and laughing Clem looks at AJ who is looking outside the window towards grim who is still sitting tied to the pole shivering "what's wrong goofball ?" Clem asked as she walks over to AJ, AJ continue to look at grim and says "are we the bad guys Clem..?" Clem looks at AJ shocked and guilty "no goofball we are the good guys..why do you ask ?" AJ sighs "I talked to grim and she says we are the bad guys..and i..I don't know anymore.." Clem looks over at grim and sighs "AJ we have her tied up cause she killed Sarah and mike" AJ looks at Clem and sighs "she said she did it self defense Clem, she didn't want to kill them but they shot her first, she even told me too look at her helmet which has a bullet hole" Clem just rolls her eyes "AJ for all we know those bullet holes may have came from something else" "but Clem she's broken she said she doesn't want to live anymore she just wants to go hom-" "AJ that's enough" Clem's says "I don't know what she's been telling you but we can't trust her" AJ gets up mad "she gave herself up to protect me and you and now you're turning your back on her ?" Clem looks at him confused and remember when the raiders took her away "AJ we'll talk about it later with everyone okay ?" AJ just looks at everyone "no they hate her after all she's done for everyone this is how we treat her ?" Just than Mitch walks over to them confused "what are you guys talking about ?" AJ just looks at Mitch and walks off "AJ" Clem says and sees AJ walk outside the piano room Mitch looks at Clem "what happened?" Clem just sighs "we'll talk about it later Mitch" she sits beside Louis. Mitch looks outside the window and looks at grim and then see simmon walk up to her giving her a rain coat and sits beside her Mitch sighs and walks away. "Crystal I'm sorry about everything and everyone doing this too you" grim looks up at him still shivering "don't call me Crystals you don't deserve too call me that.." "fine I'll call you grim better ? Do you want anything food ?water ? Maybe a fire?" "Simmon if I do that knowing you, you'll want something in return you sick fuck" simmon looks at her "grim come on I'm sorry okay ?"  Grim shakes the coat off and looks away "oh Is a sorry going too make me forget what you and men did to me ?  I fucking begged for you and your men to stop but you never did now did you ? Huh !? Fucking leave me alone or fucking shoot me Mr sorry" simmon gets up and walks away just than she feels her hands get cut free and to her surprised it was Mitch who cut her free he grabs the raincoat on the floor and puts it over her "come on we still need to talk grim" grim shaking from the cold follows Mitch to his room she sits on the floor across from him "what? You going to beat me?" Mitch looks down "grim I'm sorry about beating you I was just mad cause I thought we could be something else more than friends and after you head butt me in the face I just snapped" grim looks at him pissed "ooooh poor baby I'm sorry I hurt your nose grow up you brat" grim looks at him "grim I just want to-" "what ? Huh Mitch ? Kill me ? Beat me down like every asshole ?" Mitch stands up slowly "to tell you that you.." grim looks at him shocked and confused, "you sure have a shitty way of showing it asshole" Mitch walks closer and hugs her tightly "grim I'm so fucking sorry" she looks at him and pushes him away slightly "g-get away from me" she walks out the room and walks up stairs into where main office and sits in the chair alone grim slowly gets under the desk and starts to cry quietly "God damn it.." just than she hears the door open and she bolts up and sees Marlon and his dog "oh shit uh..what did Mitch do again ?" Grim looks at him "he didn't do anything we just talked.." still teary eye "did he tell you ?" Grim looks down "yeah but I don't know how to react to it I just ran off from him.. just fucking shit..." Marlon sighs "yeah to be honest I don't know how I would react to him after all he did too you" grim sighs "it's not that that it's just that I'm afraid if I love again...I'll lose it again..and I can't deal with it again.." Marlon looks at her "look I think you should give it a try again..for Calvin at know you have to move on grim..I'm sure he'll be happy that your moving on.." grim just starts to cry "God I don't know if I can...I'm just so scared after all I've been through...I'm so scared.." just than Mitch walks in with Louis and Clem and AJ, Mitch walks up and holds her hand "Crystal..please don't leave us again.." she instantly hugs him and cries in his chest "I fucking hate you mitch..." Mitch slightly lift her head up and kisses her "I don't blame you beautiful".

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