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[trigger warning; suicide] let's learn about hyunjin's past, shall we?

hyunjin was now aware that he had han jisung wrapped around his finger. though the tough attitude and bold words he presented in the beginning gave hyunjin a headache, he was able to surpass his walls and cave into what jisung was really feeling. the younger boy was deeply in love with his best friend, that was already cleared up but hyunjin felt no surprise as that was the case. ever since that day, hyunjin had the need to mix up some things as he needed to ensure that things wouldn't become suspicious. it was only for one particular reason.

his cousin lee minho, would be visiting soon. which was a tremendous problem. though it was only for two nights, it was two nights that he needed to display to the older that he was doing fine. and it was something he wasn't going to enjoy one bit. minho always visited hyunjin every month in order to check up on the boy to see how he was doing.

it was like that ever since his older brother, chan committed suicide. things proceeded to get worse once his parents left him as well.

chan, was an extraordinary boy. hyunjin looked up to him in every single shape and form. he would always be right by his side, never missing him in his sight. but, that all ended one day once hyunjin came home from school. nobody was home, that of course except chan. he sometimes would take a day off every month or so for mental health reasons. entering high school was a transition some individuals were excited for, but the workload said other wise.

hyunjin was aware of his stressful moments, breakdowns and grumpy moods. but, he was always there by his side to keep his brother company. listening to his long rants about irritating peers in his classes and teachers who had no courtesy to understand some situations students were in. even their own parents couldn't comprehend the fact that chan was tired from the weight on his shoulders. but, hyunjin would never miss anything.

so he thought.

their home, felt cold. hyunjin himself certainly couldn't explain the feeling as he was unaware of why the atmosphere felt so lifeless. though, he was conscious of the fact that chan was indeed home. he kicks off his shoes once he closes and locks the front door. walking past the couch he removes his backpack which is thrown on to the comfortable piece of furniture and the younger boy sets off to his brother's room. he should have felt excited, everyday he was filled with joy to see his older sibling. but, this day was different.

he first knocks on the door, aware of the fact that chan was a man of privacy. but, no answer. at first, he waits a couple of seconds in case chan was wearing his earbuds and needed to acknowledge the fact that someone was at his door. but, he knocks once more and he still does not receive a response. he decides to take his chances, although this action could result in chan putting him into a headlock. hyunjin twists the knob, opening the door slowly and peeking into his room.

he wished he didn't.

"c—chan.." is the one thing hyunjin could only say, his heartbeat felt as if it stopped for a complete minute as his eyes captured the scene that he thought he'd never have to see. his eyes, widening as the light air in his home brushed against his pupils which lead to his forming tears. he couldn't say more, his mouth was left wide open as his body was unable to move even if he wanted to take a step.

his brother, his idol was now far from him.

hyunjin's whole world fell apart after that day, he couldn't eat, sleep, take care of himself properly as school was nothing more than a nuisance. he didn't have many people to talk to, as chan was his only source of comfort and merely only friend. his own parents didn't seem to have much of a reaction, which irritated the boy dearly. he thought he'd have the patience to deal with their words as they lost a member of their family, but hyunjin's meter bar had broken far from its ending point.

the boy was filled with pure anger, there was nothing more to the story but that was all he could feel. a hint of numbness to his bones as he committed an action that should have led himself in prison. hwang hyunjin had enough of everyone, the two adults in his life did nothing in order to help him cope, all they did was watch.

hwang hyunjin's parents did not die due to a simple accident as the news channels claimed. but, was murdered by their own thirteen year old son.

he had drugged his parents morning coffees the morning before they headed off to work. as the symptoms of 'roofies' kicked in about a span of less than an hour, their commutes to work were within that time range. all he had to do was wait. now, as the accidents of two cars in separate areas fill the news. it was a shocker to figure out that the drivers killed was actually a married couple. the couple who had recently lost their son.

hyunjin felt no surprise to find the authorities at his doorstep hours later, they didn't even question his reaction as they were aware of the family's other passing. at thirteen years old, hyunjin lost his entire family in only one month.

everyone questioned to how cruel can the world be?

but, really how cruel could hyunjin be?

at the age of fifteen, hyunjin found interest in a soccer player who attended a different school. he found an aspect of chan in the boy, this being his immediate kind soul and soft voice. he even was able to capture a couple seconds of his vocals which triggered some spot for hyunjin.

with chan gone from the picture, hyunjin began kidnapping boys that reminded him of his older brother in order to keep him company. it was wrong, disgusting and psychotic were not strong enough words to describe his actions. but, he felt happiness from what he did. although chan was not by his side,

it sure felt like he was.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 08, 2020 ⏰

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