chapter 1

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Caesar was the one to swing the first punch. He had been walking home from his job at a local bakery when a group of dirty uptown kids drove up extremely slow behind him. A tall brunette had jumped out of the back driver side door and charged at Caesar. The blonde had turned around and swung a fist to the soc's face. Caesar's enemy groaned in pain and fell backwards.
   "Your next move is going to be a drop kick to my face!" The man said in a posh British accent. Caesar had instinctively drop kicked the man, but due to him knowing Caesar's exact move he was able to catch his leg. He pulled Caesar's leg right out from underneath him, causing him to come crashing to the ground.
  "Merda" Caesar muttered as he scrambled to get up. Another uptown punk kicked him to the ground again. Caesar let the two soc's kick him around a bit before he grabbed his useful wrench out of his pocket.  Caesar swung for the brunette's ankles, causing him to back up in pain. Caesar got up onto his feet and swung the wrench into the side of his second attacker's head. Caesar sprinted as fast as he could to get away from them.
Caesar ran harder and faster than he ever had. He took a long route home to try and throw his attacker's off his track if they decided to follow. Caesar quickly opened his door and dashed inside. He locked it and panted heavily. The oldest of his youngest siblings looked up from the dining room table in concern.
  "Cae? Are you alright? You look like hell" she said softly, getting up and walking over to him. Caesar had a black eye and some bruises forming.
  "Yes I'm fine, Maria" Caesar smiled softly. "Just got in a small fight, it's just a scratch" Caesar never wanted to worry his family for his dumb antics.
  "You have a black eye,idiota" Maria said in annoyance. "You need to stop getting in fights or the police might get you. They might take us all away if you keep getting in fights like that!" She hit his chest.
  "I'm going to make sure that doesn't happen okay?" Caesar said with a soft smile. "I'll make sure we all stay together. Zeppeli's stay together, no matter what."
  Caesar walked into the kitchen"where are the rest of the children?" He started to dig through the cabinets looking for food. He couldn't go shopping until the end of the week, so they were low on food.
  "They're at the park" Maria said softly. "They know to come home before dark."
  Caesar started to throw food together to make a meal"Alright. Can you go out and get them? Just to make sure they get home safe?" Maria nodded and left the house. Caesar was so frustrated that he let himself get beat up, even if he did manage to deal more damage to his attackers.
The blonde snapped out of his thoughts as his noisy younger siblings fought with each other as they came through the door. Caesar rolled his eyes as they threw petty insults at each other. He quickly set the table, 4 plates of the casserole he managed to make. There were 5 people in the house. Most nights Caesar skipped eating, he always told them he ate before he left work. Tonight was another one of those nights.
   "Caesar you're not going to eat?" Will, who was named after his grandfather and the youngest asked."you didn't eat with us at all this week!"
"  I'm fine Caro. I ate at work again, they had some extra food left over"  Caesar said with a soft smile.
After dinner he cleaned up the table and did the dishes. He put the leftovers into the fridge and then went to his room. Caesar was the only one with his own room. His whole body hurt from getting beat down, it was fine though, he was still living after all.

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