My drummer.

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Year: 1975
Age: 20
Word count: 1224
I awoke with the sun shining through my semi sheer curtains. I look over to the clock and I see that the time is 10:49

Shit.  Me and my best friend Avery where supposed to go to a queen concert at 6:30 and I had to clean up my room and house before I could go. And I had to get ready. I throw my legs off the bed and I put my hair up into a loose pony tail and I walk downstairs. "Morning, honey." My mother stopped me in my tracks. "Morning mum." I said quickly walking over to our cleaning supplies.

"I'm going to the shop to get some food for dinner tomorrow." My mother said throwing on her flats. "Okay mum, could you maybe pick up some biscuits?" I ask. "Of course honey. I'll be back at 7 okay?" She said walking out the door.

I walk over to my record player and put in my favourite queen album, 'Sheer heart attack' I start humming the melody to Brighton rock as I clean the kitchen and wipe off the counters. God I'm so glad that we own a record player. Cleaning would be so boring if I didn't have music.

"She's a killer queen, gunpowder gelatine! Dynamite with a laser beam. Guaranteed to blow your mind anytime" I sing as I finish cleaning my house. Okay it's 4 there is still time to get ready.

I walk up the stairs and I throw off my clothes and walk into the shower and turn it on. After I am done scrubbing my scalp I wrap myself in a towel and walk into my room. I throw on a pair of bell bottoms and I grab a Queen t-shirt from my closet and put it on.  I put on my black converse and I'm out the door. Okay, so Avery should be here in a minute. I watch her pull into the drive way.

"GET YOUR SLOW ASS IN THE CAR!!" Avery laughs, I run up to the car and open the door. "Jesus, Avery you don't need to be so loud all the time." I giggle. "Well you took sooooo long" Avery pouts.

"I'm sorry, okay?, let's go!"
We drive off. Once we arrive we head inside and get to the front, Right in front of the drums. God, it may sound stupid because I know he won't ever notice me but I have a huge crush on roger taylor.

I look up to the stage and I see the lead singer, Freddie mercury, walk on to the stage. Then I see Brian may and John deacon. Where's Roger? I feel a nudge in my side and I look over to avery.
"Look Roger is coming!"  I turn up and I look at Roger. As he is scanning the crowd we lock eyes for a second. I felt butterflies in my stomach. He quickly looked away and back at the crowd.

"Get out of my way bitch." I turn around and a girl pushes me behind her to get to the front.
I scoff at her and I turn to Avery,
"Oi bitch, get out of here" Avery pushes the girl back to where she was causing the girl to spill her drink all over herself. "YOU EVIL LITT-" I watch as the bodyguard behind her tells her she needs to leave. "Why!? I did nothing!" She whined.

"The drummer saw exactly what happend and he wants you out." The bodyguard said in a stern voice. What the hell? Roger Taylor the drummer of queen, was sticking up for me? God, your so stupid sometimes y/n. He was probably only doing because he didn't want any distractions whilst he was drumming. "Also ma'am Roger  would like to speak with you after the show."  My heart was practically beating out of my chest. "O-oh um y-yeah o-okay." I think I'm going to shit myself, Roger fucking Taylor wants to speak with me? Okay calm down y/n. Calm. Down.

After the show ended me and Avery decided to search for the famous Roger Meddows Taylor. We head around back when we hear couple people laughing.

"Sorry to disturb, but your body guard said your friend roger wanted to meet with my friend here." Avery said taking their attention away from whatever they where laughing at.

"Roger, darling. Again?" Freddie turned to roger. "Jesus, Roger can you go one night without shagging some random girl?" Brian added.

"I'll have you know, Brian. Yes I in fact can. And Actually, I wasn't planning on 'shagging' her. I was thinking about taking her out on a nice date." Roger stated.  "Ha, that's a first." John giggled

There was an awkward silence for what felt like eternity.
"So uh would you like to go?" Roger broke the silence looking at me.

"oh uh I don't kno-" I started "of course y/n would!" Avery said through her teeth. 
"Yeah um okay." Roger grabbed my hand and we started heading to his car. "Oh Um is this the car you wrote a love song about?" I laughed. "Uh...yeah it is..." Roger blushed looking down at the ground.
"Haha don't be shy about it, I love that song, infact I know all the words!" I said laughing "really? That's awesome!" Roger beamed at me like a small child. "Alright get in we are heading to the beach!" Roger opened the door for me.

"Wow, the sky looks so beautiful at night." I say looking up at the moonlit clouds whilst eating my ice cream.
"Not as beautiful as you though." Roger smiled at me. "Ew, stop." I lightly punched him in the shoulder. "Abuse!" Roger laughed.  "Oh shut up" I giggled.

"You know what? Let's go for a swim." Roger grabbed my wrist and dragged me down to the empty beach. "Look nobody's here!" Roger started taking off his shirt "race you!" Roger started running "your such a child roger. And I'm not stripping here." I laughed.

"Just take off your pants it's basically a swimsuit! The water is nice to!!" Roger whined. "Ugh fine." I ran into the water and was immediately met by the feeling of cold daggers all over me.

"H-h-holy s-shit rog..." my teeth chattered "haha tricked you, now I have to keep you warm." Roger smirked as he pulled me into a hug.

"Woah buddy hold your horses we just met." I laughed. God he was so cute and sweet.

"We should get you home it's late." He Roger said starting to swim back to shore. The date may have ended quickly but it was amazing.

As we arrived to my house Roger pulled me into a hug. "Thank you y/n for giving me the best date ever." He whispered.

"Trust me you made it better." I giggled. "Would you like to be my girlfriend? I know it's soon and we only just met and I-" I pulled him into a kiss. "Of course I will be your girlfriend."

"And you will be my drummer boy."
Ew okay I actually kind of hate this the ending is so cringeworthy I- I think I'll be writing a John deacon one next though but idk. - Naviya

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 18, 2020 ⏰

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