The beginning

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    Jesus Christ please give me inspiration to write this book to exhalt your holy name,let the readers be moved to go back to you,let them repent of their sins and be saved in Jesus mighty name, have I prayed. Amen.


           The beeping sound of the heart monitor stopped,then a loud wail of the woman who happens to be my mom followed and the nurses and doctors rushed into the room .
         "Sir,you have to take your wife outside", said a nurse looking at my parents.
       "No, no, no o o o", my mom screamed fighting her way out of my dad's strong grip.
        "One, two ... three ", said the doctor as he did CPR on me.
        There was a heavy silence befalling the whole room as the doctors and nurses looked at one another.
         "Time of death 7:33 pm", said a nurse with so much anguish.
        And there was the lifeless body of the girl who once used to be me, the fifteen year old daughter of Mr&Mrs April , who suddenly got the news that she was in the last stage of brain cancer and right now I stood there staring at my own body.
      Then, a great light flashed in front of me and I used my hands to cover my eyes , I could see and hear everything going on around.
          "We are sorry, we did our best but we couldn't save her", said the doctor standing in front of my parents.
         "What do you mean, you couldn't save my daughter, Gloria cannot be dead, Mathew tell him he's a big liar, come on,tell him", said my mom breaking down into tears.
       " Mom, please stop crying, I'm alive", I said as I went to her and wanted to hug her but my hand couldn't hold her.
          "He's not lying , Angela, he's not, our baby is gone, she's dead", said my dad as he held my mom as she fell to the ground crying.
      " Mom,I said I'm alive,dad", I said as I tried to reach for their hands but my hand couldn't hold them ,they couldn't see me,they couldn't hear me.
         "Am I really dead",I asked myself  as I stood in front of a transparent glass door staring at myself.
        The strange voices kept coming, I knew I couldn't stay here,I wanted to go home,I wanted to be with my family,I wanted to play with my younger brother Kevin.
           Yes,I wanted a lot of things but the crying sound of my mom began to fade quietly,that was when I had realized that they had gone into the morgue to cry over me.
       I felt every emotion,every tears  from my parents, every lips shaking in pain and eyes dropping of sadness, I saw and felt it all.
            "No, I couldn't be dead , I couldn't be dead",I screamed at the top of my voice wanting at least someone to hear me .
      I needed them to hear me, even if it is just a little, I really needed them to know that I'm seeing two of myself, that I'm alive and seeing them weep over the lifeless body of me ,that I was here standing so close to them , moving about the room hoping one of them will just see me but no one did.
     "She was just too young,my little baby was just too young to die,God,why ", asked my mom as she cried.
       "Angela,God has a reason for everything,so don't question Him,thank Him for giving her to us,she is in a better place now,I know she is", said my dad as he placed his hand over her shoulder while she leaned on it crying.
          "I had everything set out for her, I wanted to see my little girl graduate from high school,go to prom, attend college,get a nice job,get married and have kids, I had a lot of expectations from God regarding her life but look at this, my daughter is laying on this tray yet I will never hear her call me mom, Mathew,my fifteen year old daughter is dead and you want me to thank God ,for what exactly, taking her from me! ,if He was really as great as everyone claim he is,my baby girl won't be dead right now but look at this,look at her,does my baby deserve this", asked my mom in tears .
         "Angela,calm down, God is great ,if he wasn't ,he wouldn't have given us Gloria in the first place,I know it freaking hurts but right now ,we shouldn't be blaming God or hating Him ,instead we should be thanking Him for the fifteen years our daughter had lived with us", said my dad
           "Then why did he take her away,why did God take my daughter away from me,why did He, answer me Mathew,why is she dead", asked my mom as she hits my dad on his chest crying then he hugged her.
         "Why", my mom whimpered as a new set of fresh tears roll down her face.
       I was in great tears just watching them ,then a voice from behind made me shook with great fear.

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