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Once I pulled up to the arrivals area, I could tell that they were coming out because of all the screaming. The screams were deafening, even in my car I could hear it clearly. I drove past the arrivals and parked in the parking lot just before the exit of the airport. Far enough from prying eyes.

My phone buzzed. I picked it up and saw a text message for him. My heart beat fast as I opened it, curious as to what he wrote. But the first thing that caught my eye was the picture he sent me before he had stopped texting me. It was a picture of our hands intertwined. Cheesy enough, but he really wanted to take that picture. He told me he'd use it as his wallpaper on his phone, so I did too. I wonder if he changed it. Then I read what he texted me.

"I'm back. I missed you."

"So much."

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