CHAPTER TWO- You again? and shopping

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Recap: "Harry?!?!"

Then the curly one looked at me. "Sam?!?!" he said. Then Paul left. "What are you doing here?" he ssaid happily. He forgot didn't he. "I got a job, you son of a bitch." I snapped. "Wow, ok then." said a blonde haired person. "Well, I'm Niall, Thats zayn, Liam, Louis and you already know Harry." said the blonde-Niall. "Ok." I said. "Sam-" I cut him off. "Thats Samatha to you, Styles." I snapped.

"What happened to us?" Harry asked. "Don't play dumb, you remember." I said. I crossed my arms. Then I walked into the Flat. It was big. "Sam-Samatha I don't remember." Ugh the styles is getting on my nerves. "By the way, Samatha-" I cut Niall off. "You guys can call me sam but harry can't and continue." I said. I shot Harry a look and he returned a look back. "Sam, theres only five flats so your going to have to share one." My stomach turned. "I'll share." Harry said. Before I could say no the boys all agreed. "How long i'm I staying?" I asked. "I think for a year or the whole summer." Liam said. I forgot it was summer, crap. "What, thats means I have to spend a year or the whole summer with, Styles?!" I was upset.

They nodded. Crap! "So is there more?" Louis asked. "What?" I said. He pointed to my small suitcase. I shook my head. "What!, shopping now!" Then everybody agreed. Grrrr, I hate shopping. "Eww, shopping is for curly i mean girly girls." I said. Then I felt hands and my waist. It was Harry. He picked me up and threw me over his shoulder. "HARRY FUCKING STYLES PUT ME THE HELL DOWN!!" I said.

Then before I knew it I was in a van. "Ugh, it smells gross in here." I said plugging my nose. "If you don't have something nice to say, don't speak at all." Louis said. "She's the same." harry mumbled. Thats it. Then I threw my shoe at his head. "HEY!" he sounds angry. Then I almost jumped on him and killed him, but Niall grabbed my arms. Then Harry tried to jump at me, but Louis grabbed his arms.

"STYLES I'M GOING TO KILL YOU!!" I yelled. I started crying. Then it was quiet in the van. "What did he do to you?" Liam asked from the front seat. "" I sobbed. "Harry thats cold." I heard Niall say. "It was with my best friend." I managed to say. "Harry, wow i knew you were kinda like this but not that bad." Zayn said. For the rest of the ride, it was slient.

Harry and I shared glances at each other, but I always turned away. "We're here!!" Louis yelled. "No shopping you guys can but not me." i said. "We're here for you." Liam said. Then the side door opened. I tried to get away but Two hand we're on my ankles. Then I was through over somebody's shoulder. Then I was put down. Four boys were inbetween Harry and me, good.

We entered the cold mall and saw perfume everywhere. Then I turned to see the boys wereing hoodies and sunglasses. "What the hell?" I mumbled to myself. The first store we went into was areopostale. Then we went ot different stores that I forgot, but i was very supriseng that I ddin't even get to see what they bought me. I paid for some of it but i had to close my eyes, and they paid for some of it.

(Stuff on the side :D)

"Ok, now to to go home." Liam said. They put the bags into the back and the car began to drive. Harry was sitting across from me. I was so tired. I rested my head against Niall and waited for the real day of babysitting.

Hey guys the picture is at the media thingy. The last picture were the girls are thats what Sam looks like in the first and that what sam looks like to harry in the second

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