Villainous Quirk

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"Now Crocodile I don't want you outside for too long, you are only six years old after all," Pops told me causing me to scoff.

"Tch, I can take care of myself old man. You don't need to worry about me, worry about Shanks and Mihawk they need your protection more since they are quirkless." I told him before walking out the door and down the street. 'Stupid old man, he doesn't need to be watching me when the others need more help.' I thought with a frown before I jumped startled at the sound of shouting coming from the park nearby.

"Devil child! How dare you try to hurt my child. My precious baby! You stay away, you and your villainous quirk need to stay away from good people like us!" This lady was shouting at a kid around my age who looked terrified while staring down at his hands. I felt my eye twitch when I heard the lady mention a villainous quirk and quickly made my way over standing in front of the lady facing the kid.

"Hey, you ok? You look traumatized." I asked him with concern but before he could answer me the lady pulled me back by my arm.

"Stay away from him! He almost took off my sweet baby's hand. Look he's bleeding too. He has a villainous quirk, you can't go near him." She told me and I was growing annoyed at the fact that she was touching me and the fact that a crowd was starting to form to see what was happening.

"Then shouldn't you be taking your child to the hospital if he is bleeding?" I asked her with a deadpan look.

"Not until a hero comes to take this villain away." She told me and my eyes narrowed.

"Villain?" I asked her to which she nodded.

"Yes, with a quirk like his he can be nothing else but a villain. I never heard of a hero slicing people up to save them." She said with such a fierce look in her eyes that I growled when I saw the kid behind me flinch.

"Let go of me lady, take your kid to the hospital," I told her and tried to tug my arm out of her grasp.

"No, I have to protect you until the heroes arrive and arrest this villain."

"Oh, I'll show you a villain," I mutter and reach my other hand out and grasp her arm that is holding me and begin to suck the moisture from her arm. I don't stop until she starts screaming bloody murder at the skeletal state her arm is in.

"My arm! You monster! Just like the other child, a villain!" She yells and I smirk.

"No, you're the villain calling children names and letting your own child bleed out instead of getting them medical care," I told her before turning away and facing the scared kid again. "Come on, let's go before some actual heroes show up," I said and we both ran off away from the crowd and looking for a place to hide. We ran for a while until we found a secluded alleyway to hide out in for the time being.

"Thanks." the kid spoke up. 

"Hmm?" I asked in confusion as I looked over at him panting.

"Thanks for standing up for me against that lady." He clarified.

"Oh, no problem. I just don't like hearing the term villainous quirk." I told him.

"Well, nevertheless thanks." He said again.

"Hey, what's your name anyway? I'm Crocodile." I told him.

"Ah, my name is Daz. Daz Bones." He tells me.

"Nice to meet you Daz, mind telling me what happened to get that lady to go ballistic?" I ask him and he looks at his hands again before looking back at me.

"I got my quirk. I was playing in the park with that kid, we were playing tag and when I reached out to tag him my quirk suddenly appeared and I cut him. It seemed pretty deep." Daz told me and then looked back down at his hands which now had formed blades on his fingers.

"Hey, that's a pretty cool quirk to have though. How old are you if your quirk is only just appearing?" I asked him.

"I'm six. I thought I was quirkless, so I'm kind of surprised about this. And I don't know about it being cool. That lady made some sense what kind of hero slices things." He mentioned as he flexed his fingers out.

"Relax you're just a late bloomer and chill out if you train you could probably slice through walls or something and surprise the villains and you could cut your way through bindings if you get caught or cut hostages out of their binds. You'll be super cool." I told him with a grin.

"Thanks, Crocodile." Daz smiled at me. "Oh, what's your quirk?" He asked me. "You made that lady's arm look skeletal." He said in awe.

"It's called sand. I can turn my whole body into sand to avoid attacks, but I can't fully control that yet, and I can make sand tornadoes and suck the moisture from anything to power myself up or just to cause damage." I explained. 

"Wow, that's a super strong quirk. Are you going to be a hero?" He asked me and I grinned.

"Yeah, but I don't want to do it for fame or money like all those other fake heroes. I want to do it so I can be the hero to the kids that have so-called villainous quirks, weak quirks or kids who are quirkless can look up too. I don't believe that a villainous or weak quirk exists. It's up to you what you can do with your quirk, not other people. And I have two younger brothers who are quirkless and the kids in the neighborhood can't stop making fun of them for it which pisses me off. So I want to be someone those kids can look up to so that they don't feel despair like I have." I told him and he was looking at me in surprise which made me blush and look away. "Sorry, I was ranting."

"No, it's fine. Actually that sounds amazing. I know some kids who are made fun of for their quirks and if their was a hero like that they would be so inspired. Crocodile I think you can be that hero. I will support you in any way to get you to that spot." Daz told me and grinned at me while I stared at him in surprise.

"Really?" I asked and he nodded.

"Yeah, you have what it takes to be a hero. You didn't even know me and you jumped in to help me. If that doesn't scream hero then I don't know what does." He told me.

"Well then, If I'm gonna be a hero you need to be one with me. You can't expect me to make it to my goal surrounded by fakes do you?" I asked with a chuckle and he grinned and nodded.

"Don't worry boss, I'll be with you every step of the way." He told me and I cocked my head to the side in confusion.

"Boss?" I asked.

"Yeah, once we become heroes we have to have our own agency so we don't end up with the fakes at their agencies so once we have our own and obviously you will be in charge which means you would be the boss. So I might as well start calling you boss now." Daz spoke with a smile and I laughed.

"Alright then, I think I can get used to that," I said with a smile lingering on my face. "So Daz where do you live so we can meet up more often?" I asked him and he looked down smile gone.

"Ah, I live in the orphanage, my parents gave me up apparently." He said with a sad smile and I patted his back. 

"Hey, my parents gave me up too. I lived in the orphanage in the while when I was younger until pops came and adopted me when I was three." I told him.

"Really?" He asked in surprise. 

"Yeah, so don't worry, Just come home with me today and I'll have pops adopt you, he's a nice guy so don't worry about him not liking you or anything," I told him and he grinned at me.


"Oh Crocodile, It's about time you got home it was getting pretty late. Hmm? Who's this?" Pops asked me after I walked into the house with Daz following behind me.

"Pops! This is Daz he's my brother now so you have to adopt him tomorrow morning so he can live with us. Anyways what's for dinner we are starving?" I asked pops after explaining who Daz was and we both walked into the kitchen. 

"Oh yeah ok, I made spaghetti, wait no what do you mean your brother? Hey, answer me Crocodile!" Pops screamed as Daz and I began to eat with Shanks and Mihawk at the table. 

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