Chapter Two

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Chapter Two:

First Year

"Flying Lesson"

Lisa's POV

"Ahh... Another Manoban. I know where to put you, but it seems like you're trying to proof them wrong." The sorting hat said.

"No.. please be gryffindor"

"You know, being in Gryffindor wouldn't help you proof anything. Being in Slytherin is where you belong after all... That's where your parents might want you to be"

"That's not true!"

"SLYTHERIN!" it then shout its final decision.

I felt like I've failed everyone, I turn to Seulgi's side but she just smiled at me reassuring me it's okay.

But it's not okay, and it'll never be okay.

I woke up to the sound of someone bickering with each other.

I rub my eye as it's going against my will of waking up. Today's the first day of school and I wouldn't want to be late.

As i got up of bed, I was greeted by two ginger head fighting for cookies.

"Uh... Good morning?" I said unsure at them.

They turn to me and greeted me back, the ginger with ponytail let go of the cookie and went to my holding her hand out.

"Hi! We didn't get to know each other last night, I'm Krystal and that's my sister Hani" she introduce them.

"Hey! I'm the older one" Hani introduce herself again while shaking my hand as she went back to eating her cookie.

"And yet you act like a kid" Krystal said looking at the older rolling her eyes playful.

"Who said I'm already grown up? We're 11, remember? Scientifically speaking, we're still a kid or should I say, magically speaking since there's no science in the magical world" Hani said mouth full of cookies.

"Whatever Han" Krystal said rolling her eyed at her sister.

"Blimey, what's this smell?" We all turn our head towards the direction of the voice.

"Morning Joy" Hani said stuffing more cookies into her mouth.

"Cookies!! Can I have some?" Joy ask marching towards Hani as she tries to snatch some cookies from the jar.

"Hey Jennie" Krystal greets someone from behind me. I turn around and found little Jennie in her big Slytherin robes.

"Hey, aren't you guys getting ready? We're having our first flying class today" she said as she walks toward her bed and search for her stuff in her chest.

"Uhm... Yea, we already knew how to fly a broomstick, trust me it'll be boring since they'll only teach us how to use a broomstick, not riding one" Krystal said with bored eyes.

"Tali is right. Father told us that nothing exciting would be done on the year of Hogwarts" Hani then butt in.

"Well true that, i can't wait for potion class with professor Snape tho. I heard he's the best" Joy said admiring the old professor.

"What about you Lili?" Jennie then turn to me asking me about what I would be looking forward to while studying here at Hogwarts.

"Hmm... Is it possible if we would want to change our house?" I ask seriously.

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