Dealeareausej met the mom of her half sister. She had a green emerald to glance "I love this".
Dealeareausej had a green emerald to blast "I thought I told you it was hers".
Dealteausej had a green emerald to glance into its colours "to the rainbow queen I Thankyou for its colours. Rainbow possessed queen".
Dealeareausej looked back away to Tealeausejariahial "I knew it's colours just standing there".
"But you fooled" she replied as she walked to her with her handbag.
Dealteausejahialeausej had a green emerald to blast "I knew it's magical colours".
Deanueahialeausej cried to Cateaus "I knew it's colours when you knew Claire".
"I remember" she said for this hit of a rainbow magical colours onto the pot of gold.
Gealeahialyealis cried out "Save me from the monster" for this monster was attacking the whole city.
Meausejahialeaus the monster had enough "I remember that day". She suicided then got murdered by Fyealeausejahial as a fifteen year old to be put in a huge monster being.
Deaveausejahialeausej died in that death "I remember her as she lived on".
Goldeyeia had a remember momentum "I had enough" for what she did was blasting onto the DCP brigade "I had you losing it at my niece".
"Enough" they shouted out.
Dealeausejahialyeareausejahialeausej had a green emerald to blast green colours of magic dust "I knew it's magical colours".
Emilyeanueahisealisoria had struck a spell of shrinking Meausejahialeaus to normal size and turned human. She cried "I cannot believe you" and Leahial said "It's okay".
Deahial had said to DCP "I cannot believe you". They answered back "I cannot believe this day is on a baby. We are asking to have her as dead body alive".
Deahialyeareausejahialyeausej died in that sad introduction "I cannot believe this was meant to be a green emerald green gemstone necklace".Dealeausejahialyeareausej had cried out "Help me" for which Tealeausejahialyeareausej died in front of a van hitting him.
Ernest Jones died also from walking in front of that van. Dealeauseariahialyeareausej died to be suicided.
Deanueahialyeareausejahialyeareausej had cried out "Help me" for this Teanueahisealeausej cried out "Darling is Darling Downs".
Dealteausejariahial cried "I hate you for killing Dylan and expect him to go to Darling Downs".
Teanueahisealeausej had stalked "He was under a Beausej brain".
"Get f***** get f*****" she worked on a spell that blasted killing her.
Deeiyahialyeareausejausej had a green gift to a card "I had this once for you Maddison".
"You lied to me", "I know" she says to her and then gave her another card.
Deeiyahialyeareausejausej had a green emerald also to this present "I'd like to f*** Meauseanueahial".
Deeiyahialyeareausejausej had a glimpse at a green fairy that said to her "I tricked you".
"You did", "I tricked you here" a red ruby.
"That's the red ruby you bought me a hello", "Yes but it was for Seyeiahisjeal" Tealeausej had sworn her heart out.
Dealeareausej had a revoking hearted day. She sworn that she did not harm Tinkerbell she had given a merciful reply "I had a sworn that my brain is good I love you. I love you until I find a red ring". She said "Thankyou" and turned away to the next chair.