shot 5

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Episode starts with...

Veer leaves in his car....ragini too follows him in her car....

In party sanchi looks for veer and ragini...but both are not there...

Sanchi- what the hell...where did they went ....

Sanchi calls someone...

Veer reaches a apartment.....ragini looks on...she parks her car...little far from veer's car...

Veer enters the underground area...which is dark...and no one is present...ragini follows him....

Ragini hides behind a parked car...

Veer meets his hired goons...

Goon1- sir...your work is done...we had killed him...

Goon2-his dead body is submerged inside one will get it...

Veer- shut up....its all right...but the main person...the one who I want...I want that person...from last so many days you are searching for that person...but still you didn't get him....what are you doing...

Goon3- sorry sir....we are trying...

Veer gets angry...and holds the goons neck and hits it to car...

Ragini gets shocked seeing his this sight...

Veer- I want that person....i want him to die infront of me....i will kill him with my own hands....

Goon1- sir...give us 2 2 days we will bring that person to you...

Veer- leave...just leave from here...

All the goons leave from there...

Veer hits his hand on car...beings angry....

Veer- I will not leave have to die...

Veer turns to leave...but someone hits him with iron road....he falls down unconscious...

The person is none other than ragini...

Ragini ties veer's hands and legs....and brings her car...

She shift tied veer to her car...

Ragini drives the car...

Ragini- I were upto were just faking a good you have to tell me the truth...why did you killed my Sanskar....

Veer gains conscious...he sees ragini...

Ragini- dr conscious back....good for you have to answer many questions...or else I will...kill you...just like you killed my Sanskar...

Veer starts trying to open the rope...but he couldn't...

He hits the cars window....after many try...finally the car window..opens....and veer falls out of car on road...

Ragini gets angry...she stops the car...and comes out of car...

Veer is still tied and lying on road....ragini comes to him...and sits infront of him...

Ragini opens the cloth from veer's mouth...

Veer- you are not doing right ragini....

Ragini- tell me what is right....why did you kill my Sanskar...tell me...answer me...what enimity you had with him...

Veer- shut up...

Ragini- you shut up dr veer....

Veer gets angry...he hits ragini with his shoulder...and ragini falls on road...veer comes close to her...

Ragini- what the hell...move away from me...

Veer- first open my hands or else...

Ragini- or else..what...what will you do...

Veer comes more close to ragini...

Veer- I will kiss you...

Ragini- what...have you...lost it...

Veer- open my hands...

Ragini opens his hands...while veer looks at ragini....they are very close...

Ragini- now move...your hands are open...

Veer opens his legs and stands up...

Ragini too stands up...

Ragini takes out a gun and points at veer...

Ragini- don't try to move...or else I will you have to answer me...

Veer looks on...veer starts stepping near her...ragini points gun to his head....veer looks at her...

Suddenly veer holds ragini's hands...and the gun falls down...

Ragini- leave me...

But veer holds her tightly....and looks at her...ragini struggles....suddenly something striked ragini's mind...

She Sanskar used to holds her in same way...

Ragini looks at veer....who is looking at her lovilgly...

Ragini looks on confused...and becomes teary eyes...

Ragini- Sanskar....

Veer nods....

He removes his glasses...a tear escapes from his eyes also...

Ragini- Sanskar....

Ragini starts hitting Sanskar...

Ragini- why didn't you told me you are my Sanskar...your touch is enough for me to recognize you...I know you are my Sanskar...

They hug each other crying....

They breaks the hug...and touches each other;s forehead...crying...

Sanskar- sorry...but there is a long mystery behind it ragini...I have to act to be dr veer....something...drastic happened 10 says ago...which changed my life....our life...sorry for hurting you ragini...I m sorry...

Ragini- but what is it...if you are here...then where is dr sanchi and sunaina aunty knows everything...

Sanskar- no...they don't know that I m Sanskar....they think me as dr veer...whole world knows that Sanskar died...I am alive just to you and maa..

Ragini- maa...

Sanskar- yes maa...maa knows everything...

Ragini- karuna maa knows everything...that's why she tries to consoles me...

Sanskar- yes...

Ragini hugs Sanskar...



Game of destiny ragsan sanveer version {completed}Where stories live. Discover now