Chapter 1

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Olivia P.O.V

I woke up to the sun shining threw the curtains and the smell of pancakes and roses in the air. I sat up in the big fluffly bed to spot a dozen roses on the bed side table. I smiled. wheres Harry i thought. I got up and slipped on one of Harrys big tee shirts and my slippers and shuffed downstairs. It was a Sunday morning so i'd expect Harry to be sound asleep. But insted he was downstairs making breakfast.

"Goodmorning babe, i love the roses." I said kissing him on the cheek.

"HAPPY MOTHERS DAY MY LOVE!" Harry replied giving me an enormous hug and a stack of pancakes.

"Wappy Wothers Way Mummie!"  Darcy said squriming in her high chair .Her ringlets boucing around.

"Aww thank you guys!" I said kissing Darcy on top of the head.

"So whats the plan for today?" I sat down at the table with a glass of orange juice and the stack of pancakes next to Darcy who was concentrating on her coloring book.

"Well Niall and Cierra invited us all over for a Mothers day cookout, Do you want to go?" He asked sitting down next to Darcy and I.

"That sounds like so much fun!" I said. Harry nodded stuffing a pancake in his mouth.

"Nice manners love." Harry smiled a smile full of pancake.

"Daddy what about the cards?" Darcy asked. Harry motioned that he would be right back and ran upstairs. In the meantime Darcy and i managed to play a short game of tic tac toe. By the time he came back down Darcy had one twice(possibly because i may of let her). Harry had a concered look on his face.

"Whats wrong love?" I asked

"I cant find my card anywhere!"

"Are you sure its not down here?"

"100% sure.I swear i left it next to the roses eariler this morning." Harry said with a puzzled look on his face. Now that i thinkt of it i didnt renember seeing a card. Seconds later Dusty ran downstiars and hopped up on my lap. I noticed he had a blue piece of paper in his mouth.

"Babe, was the card blue?"

"Yeah why? Did you find it?"

"Well...some of it." Dusty dropped the piece of paper on my lap and ran off.

"That cat will PAY!" Harry said grabbing the broom. (Dusty had a fear of brooms)

"Haz he is just a cat he doesnt know any better. Its fine." I said kissing him.

"But it had a poem i worked like 2 hours on, in it!"

"Its fine Haz.." I started to laugh.

"how can you laugh? this is a serious matter." He said crossing his arms. Dusty came over to Harry and started to purr.

"How can you not forgive a face like that?" i said pointing to Dusty. Harry gave in and picked him up. Dusty started to lick his face. "I accpect your apology Dusty." Harry said. I laughed. I swear cats are a man best friend.

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