Part 28

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"Jeongguk. Guk. Honey, you gotta get up."

Jeongguk groans from the insistent deep voice calling out to him, disturbing him from his deep slumber. He squeezes his eyes shut tighter, willing the man away from him and granting himself a few more minutes of sleep. However, Hoseok doesn't relent.

"Guk... we have rehearsals, c'mon."

"No. Please."

It's no surprise that Jeongguk has been hiding out in Hoseok's apartment recently, trying to refuel in the comfort of his friend's four walls. Stepping outside means facing reality, means the possibility of facing Jimin and he can't handle that right now.

Hoseok sighs as he scoots forward, kneeling before Jeongguk and the bed. A soothing hand runs through strands of Jeongguk's hair, gently tugging at the roots.

"I know you're hurting, Guk. I know you don't want to go anywhere. I know and I understand. But our dance practice is days away and we haven't practiced in two days. I'm scared. This is important for us and we can't blow it, not because you're heartbroken."

"I'm not heartbroken," he mumbles stubbornly back.

"Not heartbroken," Hoseok repeats, though there's a scoff evident in his tone. "But regardless, you can't stay in bed. We have to make a move today."

Jeongguk feels like a burden. The past two days have been terrible for him, confining him to Hoseok's bed. He had insisted on taking the couch since he was crashing unexpectedly but Hoseok had claimed as a hyung, he can't give Jeongguk the uncomfortable option and forced him onto the bed.

He hasn't done much. He's ate when Hoseok's prompted to, showered when he felt the sweat sticking to his body and causing an unpleasant odor and he's practiced the routine during nighttime when insomnia plagues him and Jimin's words spin in his mind. He's desperate for a distraction, of any kind, to remove the cruel words that Jimin had uttered.

Jeongguk doesn't mean to come across as useless. He just doesn't know how to force himself to go through a normal day-to-day routine when his chest threatens to collapse upon itself, when his heart squeezes tightly in an uncomfortable manner whenever he even thinks of stepping back onto campus.

Jeongguk sighs as he blinks awake, being greeted with a blearily vision of a concerned, mother-hen looking Hoseok crouched before him.

"You worry too much, hyung," Jeongguk mutters under his breath, husky from the remnants of sleepiness.

Hoseok shrugs. "If I won't, who will?"

"I really don't want to go to class."

"I know, sweetheart," Hoseok frowns. There's a sympathetic look that implores his features, softening out his curled down lips. He reaches out, soothingly rubbing his shoulder blades. "Trust me. But we have to remember that our performance is merely four days away and we haven't been in the studio even once."

"If we fail, you can blame me."

"We're not failing." Determination filters into his voice, shaking his head furiously. "If you talk like that again, I'll slap you."

Jeongguk decides not to irritate his older friend any longer. He nods in a silent promise, not wanting to dwell on the idea that they may fail in four days. They've been working hard for an entire year and they have an audience waiting for them, entertainment companies anticipating to see their talent and whether or not they're worthy to get signed. If anyone deserves the recognition and a deal, it's Hoseok.

The man stands before him with the utmost assurance despite their halted rehearsals, he's confident in the two of them together.

"Sorry. Let me shower, I'll be right out."

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