chap. 3

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• geneva's pov •

After a long day, I finally come home and as usual, I see Fredo's cousin outside. Does that boy ever go home. As soon as I lock my door, which is very crucial over here, I go into my bedroom only to find a slip of paper in the window. "I will have you, whether you want me or not" , was scribbled in blue ink. It's probably someone playing games, never that serious. Although it creeped me out a little i'm not gonna overthink about a note. After my shower I lay on my bed thinking about that note. Who would do that and why. I decide not to keep thinking about it. If worst comes to worst I'll just call my brother to stay over a few nights. He's always been there for me and basically raised me. After my dad was incarcerated and my mom died, we had to fend for ourselves. Lost in my thoughts, I drift off to sleep with the loaded glock underneath my bed, just in case.

12:00 pm :
Damn. I really slept that long again. I realize I have to study for my online exam tomorrow so I decide to get some snacks at the corner store. Since it's right down the street I guess i'll just walk. So after my shower I slipped on a hoodie, jeans, and my black af1s. I leave the house and go on my way.

As soon as I get out the store it decides to rain. Fuck. Takis in hand, I walk in between the alleyway to take the shortcut to my house. Maybe it's the fact that it's an alley, or the fact that someone wrote me a creepy note, but i'm feeling like someone's following me. I try to text my friends back but the service in here is so laggy. Half way through my text, my phone is slapped out of my hand and falls to the ground shattering my screen into a million pieces. Before I could react, a cold metal-like object is pressed against my throat. "Don't even try to scream, no ones gonna hear you this deep in the alley", a deep raspy voices whispers into my ear. But my stubborn ass kicks and screams anyway. "I SAID DON'T TRY THAT SHIT OR I'LL KILL YOU." The knife is pressed deeper onto my throat and I realize i'm being carried and thrown into the back of a truck. I try to see through my blurred vision, and how I wish I didn't see what I saw. Fredo and Reese's cousin covering my mouth with a cloth. I tried to hold my breath cause I knew exactly what was coming, but I couldn't do it any longer so I just gave in. Why? Why me? Their cousin, which goes by Sosa or Chief Keef or whatever they call him sits beside me and holds my hand. Yes, the same man who is kidnapping me is holding my hand. As i'm slowly passing out, he gives me a little kiss on the forehead. In the distance I can here him assure me that everything's gonna be alright. He tells me he loves me and I soon pass out in confusion.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 08, 2020 ⏰

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