Chapter 32:The Betrayal That I Feel

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After a while, I heard a knock on the door; I knew that it meant it was time to confront the pack's traitor. I felt my stomach fall, I didn't know how to react, but I knew what had to be done. I stand up, walking towards the door, and open it. There Chris stood with his phone in hand and a grim look on his face. I nodded and softly closed the door to my bedroom before following Chris down the hall. We both knew that once Jacob knew he was caught, he would run for it, so we kept quiet, not saying a word. I walk in front of Chris and towards the practice field, knowing that I had seen him there earlier when he was training Hailey. I knew I had to pretend everything was fine, so I ensured that my deminer would change with every step I took.

My eyes landed on a tired Jacob, who just got done training. I walked over to him with a grim smile, I knew that he would be worried, but I had a plan. Jacob looks at me, and concern washed over his face; whether that was for himself or me, I couldn't tell. I tilt my head towards the woods and start walking that way. Jacob followed behind me slowly, worry evident on his face. Once we were deep enough in the woods, I turned to him and rubbed my hands against my face sighing. I look at my "friend" with a sad smile, "Hey man, we gotta talk." Jacob nodded slowly, still not understanding the situation. I grabbed the note from my pocket and sighed once more, "I found out why the rouges were circling our land; they took the information the traitor took and saw it as an advantage for them, so it seems they've now declared war on us." Jacob looked at me, shocked, his eyes now filled with fear.

I tried to hold back my anger, whether Jacob was a good actor, or he indeed was shocked and wasn't expecting it to be enough to start a war. If the latter was the truth, then the question is, what were his true plans. I began to pace back and forth, wondering how to react. I knew I had to take my time figuring out how to let him know I knew he was the traitor and give enough time for the guards to show up. While I was doing this, Chris had gone to inform our fathers, prepare for war, and discuss what to do with Jacob. Finally, I got a mind-link telling me that the guards were at the edge of the forest on all sides.

We were surrounded, and even if he ran after I told him my following few words, he would not escape. I continue to pace before stopping abruptly. "Though there was one question on my mind, I looked at the file that was taken, and I discovered something rather interesting." I looked up to see Jacob starting to sweat more, "You see, a small group only knew that file's location, and you and James were the only ones that knew about it other than Chris and me, so it got me thinking, only someone in our small group could have known about the file." I see Jacob slowly backing away.

Still, I continued, "So I knew you guys had to be on my suspect list whether I liked it or not, and I was honestly going to brush it off as someone else found out about it. That was until I saw your name on the list of names of people who were learning video editing." I looked at Jacob, finally showing my hate for him at that moment. His eyes widen as his face paled. He finally figured out that I knew. He started to back up a bit faster, and I laughed softly, "You can run all you want, but you won't get away with this, but don't worry, after we lock you up, I'll give you a chance to explain yourself, then we'll decide what is to be done." I crossed my arms behind my back, my face falling into a deep frown, and my eyes flared with anger. Jacob had fully paled, not knowing how to react to the news. He looked around, and that's when he noticed all the guards surrounding us in a large circle.

He looked back at me with pleading eyes, but I just scoffed at him. How dare he beg for my help when he's done nothing but betray us? Two of the guards walked up and put Jacob in cuffs and started walking towards the dungeons. I followed quietly behind them, my mind filled with the many thoughts of what he would say. It seemed like an eternity before we made it to the dungeons.  There I saw Chris and his father, waiting for us quietly. I walked over towards Chris and stood beside him; no words had to be exchanged to tell each other how we felt.

Jacob was staring at his feet, he looked defeated, but I didn't care. We all walked into the dungeons, and Jacob was locked in the cell that was within the alphas office. This was the interrogation cell, and we had always put prisoners here before putting them in their cell. I look at Chris and his father, silently asking to be left alone with my friend. Chris nods, and they all leave the room. I turn back to Jacob with a stern look on my face; before speaking, I pull a photo looking down at it, "You know, we were always together when we were younger; it was always the three of us. It had seemed nothing to could stop us, so now comes the question I've wanted to ask this whole time." I look up at Jacob with a glare, "Why, why'd you do it?" We sat there in silence for a while before he spoke up, "I did it because I didn't want to lose what we had. I had never expected this to cause a war! You have to believe me on that! I just thought that if I framed that rat, he would be out of the picture; tell me, when's the last time we've spent time together since he's gotten here?" I punch the wall, leaving a hole in the side; knowing I had to fix that later, I straighten back up, "Are you serious? Do you want to know why we haven't hung out for these past three weeks?

It's because I had been spending the last three weeks finding you! Do you understand the damage you have caused?!? And for what? To get rid of a guy who you could have easily befriended instead of automatically deeming him your enemy?" Jacob looked up at me, and his eyes darkened, "You think I'd want to be friends with that low life? Do you think I care about our friendship? No, I don't; I only care about the popularity it brings; the attention I am given from just being your friend is phenomenal. Do you think befriending a rat would keep that lookup? No, people would look down on me if I were ever to befriend someone of such low class!" I stared at the wall; I wanted to rip him to shreds. He had just informed me that our friendship meant nothing; I meant nothing to him.

All he cared about was status and power. I sighed and looked over at him, "I hope they give you a punishment worse than death because if they don't, I will. I could put you using me past me, but when you put the pack in danger for your gain? That's where I draw the line. I pray to the Moon goddess that you get what you deserve." I walk out of the room, my face and body made me seem calm and collected, but I was anything but. Chris stared at me, worried, but I just shook my head. I knew I would tell him everything later, but for now, I had warriors to train and a war to get ready for.

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