She's Different (Part 2)- Scorpius Malfoy x Fem reader

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House: Hufflepuff
Year: 6th
Blood type: Muggle born

(It's like the one with Draco, my first imagine. But it's different.)

3rd Person POV
Y/N L/N is a young girl in Hufflepuff. She's funny, smart and charming. Everything a young male in Slytherin wants.
The boys who loves her, is funny, geeky, absolutely adorable and his dad was a former death eater. Can you guess who? Well, it's Scorpius Hyperion Malfoy. He absolutely loves Y/N. Why? It's because she's different than any other girl in the world. Especially in his eyes.
Scorpius is different and nothing like his father. He's  friendly, witty, and honest. He also really likes to learn. He really likes The History of Hogwarts. And science. Talk about a Hermione Granger 2.o.
Albus being his best friend. Helped the blonde boy get some courage to talk to you. He was nervous too talk to you.

***Time Skip***

Scorpius' POV

Y/N L/N is the most gorgeous girl. I've ever seen. Thanks to Al, he somehow helped me to talk to her. Will it work? I hope so. Am i crazy nervous, and feel like I'm going to get sick? Absolutely! I hope i can talk to her.
I see Y/N walking with her friend, F/N. Oh my god. She's looks like a beautiful princess. While i am the prince. Who needs to save her. Even though she isn't really in danger. Unless someone does hurt her. Then, they will get it. 
Anyway, i just wanna hold her, and whisper sweet things in her ear. And kiss her on her lips. Man. If I wasn't so terrified to talk to her. I could ask her to Hogsmeade with me. But she'll never go with me. Why? Because I'm Scorpius Malfoy. And my father Draco Malfoy was a death eater.  But he's different now. The war that happened back in May of 1992. He changed. He married mum, and they had me. That is intel my mum passed during my 3rd year. Mum would really like Y/N. She's kind, loyal and absolutely adorable. Which is why she's perfect for Hufflepuff.  I'm talking about Y/N. Just so you know.
Suddenly Y/N makes eye contact with me. And she smiles at me. And i smile back. What's even more embarrassing is that, i'm blushing like crazy. She's so cute. Oh my goodness, she's blushing too.  Come' on, Scorpius pluck up the courage and talk to her. Ughhhh. It's so freaking hard.

  Scorpius Malfoy is possibly the cutest Slytherin ever. And, Albus is too. But i'm not that interested in him. Scorp is sweet and very cunning. He's also very shy. Which makes him even more hot. Don't tell anyone i said that. Especially F/N. She's in Slytherin too. But she's really nice and funny too. She'll tease me about it.
I see Scorpius walking with Albus. And DAMN... Scorpius is looking fine as heck. He definitely takes after his father. Who is Draco Malfoy. Former Death eater. But Mr. Malfoy is really nice. Unlike his father is what i heard from Scorp telling me once.
I just wanna go somewhere and be alone with him. And talk to him. Help him open up. And, talk to me. Whenever he does. He just stutters. Poor guy. He's such a sweetheart though. Maybe i could owl him and tell him to meet me somewhere. Maybe the Astronomy tower. He really likes science. I should show him, the stars. Yeah, that sounds like a good idea. I'll do that.

***Time Skip***
3rd Person POV
  So later that night. Y/N owled Scorpius to meet her at the Astronomy tower. After dinner, at 8 o' clock. Before curfew. So, Scorp went with his gut. Hoping it wasn't a prank.   When he got there. She really was there. She was staring at the stars. Which made her look absolutely beautiful. 
He walked over to her, standing next to her. Y/N felt a presence of someone she really cared about. So, she turns her head and sees the most handsomest guy, she's ever seen. Mr Scorpius Malfoy.
"Hi." He said, shyly to her.
"Hello. Thanks for meeting me here." She said turning to face him.
He faced her as well and said "Of course, i came. Why did you want to see me?"
"Because i really wanted to talk to you. And, spend time with you." She said.
"Really? You wanted to spend time with me?" He faces the sky and the water. "But what about my family's reputation before i was born. Are you worried about that?" He said.
"I'm not worried about that. Scorp, i really care about you. And..." She said.
He turns to look at her, and said "And?"
"I love you." She said.
His whole body turns to face again, and he said "Really? You love me?!"
"Yeah, i do. Like a lot." She said.
"I love you too." He said, with a big smile on his face.
She has a smile on her face. She starts to shiver a little bit. "You cold?" He said.  "Yeah, i am." She said.
He opens his arms for her, and said "Come here, i'll help you warm up."
She walks into his arms, and hugs him tight. He wraps his arms around her tight, and he feels better that she's in his arms cold and wanting to make her feel better.
Then suddenly, Y/N looks up at Scorpius and they look in each other's eyes. Leaning in to kiss each other. But....

Before they can Albus and F/N walks up the stairs.
Scorpius and Y/N literally pull their bodies away from each other. But they're still standing near each other. And they sees Al and F/N.
"What?"  Y/N said.
"You and Scorpius are dating. And, you didn't tell me." She said, very happy.
"F/N, we're not even dating. I just told him that i loved him. And now, we were just trying to kiss." She said.
"You were going to KISS him? Oh my gosh." F/N said.
"I was, if you and Al didn't interrupt us." Y/N said.
"I told you, we shouldn't come up here. But, you didn't listen." Albus said to F/N.
"Well, i was worried that Scorpius was going to her." F/N said to Albus.
"I would never hurt her. Besides, i love her too." Scorpius said.
F/N starts to get excited. "Oh my goodness."
"I love you and all, F/N. But please leave. I want to spend more time with Scorp." Y/N said.
"Ughhh." F/N said.
"Come' on, let's go F/N. Let's leave the 2 love birds alone." Albus said.
"Thanks, Al." Scorpius said.
"You're welcome, you guys." Al said, to Y/N and Scorp. Bringing F/N with him.
They leave.

Y/N and Scorp turns back towards each other. And, Scorp pulls Y/N into a big hug. Then they pull away from each other.   Scorp looks at Y/N in the eyes. And, Y/N looks at Scorp.
They finally lean into each other. And they KISS finally!

They like for 5 minutes or something like that

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They like for 5 minutes or something like that. Who knows how long they kissed.

***4 years later.***

Now Y/N and Scorpius are now 20 years old. They graduated from Hogwarts. And, they're still happily in love with each other.  Scorpius is happy that he finally pluck up the courage and talked to Y/N. And he actually kissed her. On the lips. He's the happiest man alive with Y/N in his life.  At 18 years old, they got married. With the most beautiful wedding ever. And happily in love with each other.   Honestly who knew that shy and nervous Scorpius Malfoy, is really into having sex. He's such a lover boy, especially in bed. Which makes Y/N in love with him, like crazy. Because his dick is big, like at 8 in a half inches. And super thick.

Albus and F/N actually didn't fall in love with each other. Which shocked Y/N and Scorpius. But F/N fell in love with a girl in Ravenclaw. And, they're happily in love.
And Albus fell in love with a girl from his Aunt Fleur's side of the family. They're also happily in love.

Who knew that a Slytherin fell in love with a Hufflepuff. Well... It's because she's different.
The end.

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