Chapter 11

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I realised i said He/his and I'm not bothered to change it to she/her so I'm sorry and uh please enjoy


Izuku's childhood

Izuku's Dad wasn't around that much it was always Inko and Izuku but when his dad was home.. let's just say those times weren't pleasant.

When his dad was around it would most like end up with a lot of shouting and blood

" you piece of shit "

" why where you born "

"GOD you were a mistake"

Crying. The sound that Izuku would do after his father beats him up sometimes just for fun

"BRAT WHERE ARE YOU?! I'm stressed out"

"Ah there you are"

Izuku's dad would proceed to kick him in the stomach.

Now where was Inko? She was probably out on a walk not wanting to witness it, but she was aware of what was happening she just didn't have the courage to turn her husband in.

How did Inko fell inlove with this man? Let's just say he was filled with charm and beauty.

Around when bakugo got his quirk Izuku got his but decide not to tell anyone until he can control it better, of course it was hard but with the help of Inko he was able to control his quirk. Izuku's dad was not aware that Izuku had a quirk through out his childhood, he always thought he was quirkless like as he thought he was useless.

Back in elementary, for some reason Bakugo was being bullied by older kids.

"Your ego is disgusting"

"Your quirk isn't that cool"

"Your such a boomer"

The bullies were about to throw rocks at him when.. Izuku used his quirk to block it and throw it back

"You shouldn't do that"

"Tch lets go guys"

Izuku went up to bakugo, offering a hand to get him off the floor

"Are you okay?"

"Yeah.. uh thank you deku"

"No problem Kacchan, cmon lets go to my mum she can fix your injuries" Izuku smiled

' so bright' Bakugo thought

Izuku expained his quirk on the way home, and Inko bandages up Bakugo. Ever since that incident they have been close friends, they went through shit together.

(This is where I change it to she/her)
But 2 years later Bakugo finally noticed that Izuku was being abused by her father, Bakugo wasn't very happy, he was angry he didn't notice any sooner. He didn't know how to help so all he could do is be with her and take care of her. Izuku was greatful she had a caring best friend Bakugo was her life and vice versa for bakugo.

All theough elementary and middle school it's been like that and in their third year of middle school they decided to change their relationship status from best friends to girlfriend and boyfriend. Izuku and bakugo were very happy with the decision they made.

Of course the abusing never stop though, Izuku would go harder on her where she almost died.

"Go fucking die bitch"

"Useless piece of shit"

But when they announced that Yuuei was going to have dorms Izuku was happy she could leave the house she was trapped in. Bakugo was also happy for her, he wouldn't have to worry about izuku's dad.

That kinda brings us to the present now.


I'm sorry I kinda updated late I'll try to update soon see ya~

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