A Misson To Find Angel

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As the group go to search for Angel Dust. Angel was in porn studios with Valentino.

Angel arrived at porn studios. Valentino looked at him smiling. "I knew you come back to me Angel" Said Val smiling evilly. Angel looks at him. "Just give me fucking clients I had enough" Said Angel. Val wasn't surprised by this.

"Don't fuck up because you know the rules honey!" Said Valentino. Angel gets up and goes to stand against the wall with one leg on the wall. A demon comes over to Angel. "You look fucking hot wanna bang?" Said the demon.

Angel agrees and they both fuck harder then ever Angel gets paid and brings more clients fucking him but getting hurt while doing it. Angel goes back to Valentino who had bruises everywhere and cuts but gave him the money and got a bit.

"See Angel sweetheart you always come back to me because you know that you are a slut and want that money!" Said Val laughing. "Yeah yeah whatever Val" Said Angel closing the door and leaving.

Meanwhile, the group go searching for Angel Dust from store to store no sign of him. Vaggie starts to get worried for once. "Where could this fucker be!?" Said Vaggie. Charlie thinks. "Angel could be at work?" Said Charlie. Niffty insists that she will go. "Can I go to check?!" Said Niffty. Alastor answers. "Oh, Niffty my dear you don't want to go to such a place like that!" Said Alastor.

"Alright look radio demon I go with you in there" Said Vaggie. "I wait out here with Niffty!" Said Charlie. Alastor and Vaggie enter the sinful place and ask people if they have seen Angel but nobody answers them. Alastor starts to get annoyed and threatened them.

"If you don't tell me, dear, then I will rip you to pieces cut you up and serve you as a dinner!" Said Alastor in his static voice. "Woah nice going there" Said Vaggie. "My dear I have done this for a time now!" Said Alastor laughing.

Alastor and Vaggie get an answer on Angel's last appearance. "Alright then let's fucking go!" Said Vaggie. Alastor and Vaggie meet back up with Charlie and Niffty and tell them the information they got told.

~Alastor's Pov~

I just hope we can find Angel...I mean the dear is probably somewhere suffering maybe? I just get this weird feeling around him it's that feeling where you care for somebody! But anyway it's probably nothing after all he is just a pornstar who does it for money!

Meanwhile, Angel is in a street unconscious and is on drugs. Niffty spots Angel and calls everyone over. "Omg Angel no fucking no way!" Said Charlie bursting into tears. Alastor just stands there not knowing what to do. "He needs fucking help!" Said Vaggie. Alastor has an idea. "I can teleport Angel dear back to the hotel then you guys and then myself?" Said Alastor. "That's the only fucking idea?! Then fucking do it!" Said Vaggie. Alastor teleports them one at a time than himself back to the hotel.

Charlie immediately grabs the first aid kit and does CPR on Angel Dust. "No Angel..." Said Charlie. Vaggie immediately rushes over. "Fuck Charlie he's not waking up!" Said Vaggie. Niffty comes over. "What do we do?!" Said Niffty panicking.

Alastor comes over. "Come on Alastor please Angel is not waking up!" Said Charlie. "My dear this will require we will never talk about what I'm going to do ever again!" Said Alastor. "We won't just do it you fucking shit Lord!" Said Vaggie cursing in Spanish.

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