''You betcha!''

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* Madison *

" Come on guys, squeeze a little or you're not gonna be in the picture! " Aunt Wendy called out as all of us 'kids' sat down on the couch.

Matt and I have gotten back about 20 minutes ago. I told everyone I had to go take a thing from my mom's car and Matt lied, telling everyone Rachael called him and he was stuck talking to her for a while.

Since there were 6 of us, we all had to squeeze on the couch and this is the way we were sat: Michael was sat on my left, Gabe to my right, Dani on Gabe's lap, Lauren on Michael's anddd as for Matt, he stood behind the couch, behind me. Oh and don't worry about the fact Lauren and Dani are sitting on the twins' laps, it's nothing weird, I mean we're all practically family :)

"Alright kids settle down!" Aunt Wendy waved with her hands to get our atenttion. We all stopped joking and looked at Aunt Wendy. "Okay guys 3 - 2 - 1 - Say cheese!"

Right as Aunt Wendy took the picture, I felt a pair of arms wrap around my neck and 2 pairs of lips press against my cheeks. I kept the smile on my face and after Aunt Wendy had taken the picture, I checked who had just kissed my cheeks.

"I just had to give my cuz a kiss on tha chweek-" Gabe whinned, chuckling. I rolled my eyes.

And who was the other person who had kissed my cheek?

You guessed it - Matt

"So what's your excuse?" I asked him, getting up. He gave me a confused look. "What do you mean?"

"Why'd you kiss my cheek Espinosa?" I asked, crossing my arms on my chest. A grin spread on her face " Awh Mwaddie " He started, faking a baby's voice. "Well if you must know, it's probably due to the fact you have really soft cheeks." He added, poking my cheek.

" Hands off my cousin Espinosa-" Gabe said, wrapping his arms around me from the back.

The last of the night passed by in a blur.

I was woken up by the sun shines peeking through my courtains. I slowly opened my eyes an let them adjust to the morning light. I streched my arms and legs and checked the time.


Woah that's early for a Sunday. I remembered I still have to do some of my algebra homework and study for my Chemistry exam this Wednesday.

I got up andwent to the bathroom. After I had brushed my teeth and freshened up, I pulled on some fuzzy socks and went downstairs, taking my phone with me.

"Oh hey sweety!" My mom chirped. "Hey mom-" I said, kissing her cheek. "Did you sleep well?"

"Uh yeah, but I remembered I still have some stuff to do for school-" I whinned, taking a mug and making myself some hot cocoa and some wafles. "Ohhh, I'm sorry but hey that's what you get for hanging out with you boyfriend almost all weekend!" She said, plopping the word 'boyfriend'.

Finding My Way Back ♡ (M.Espinosa ft. C.Reynolds)Where stories live. Discover now