Chapter 20

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When Elsa came to, she was surprised to see herself floating hundreds of feet in the air.

She then realized she was being held - literally - by a giant scaly talon. Elsa looked up and saw the rest of the massive dragon who had her in its grasp. In the other talon she could make out the body of Olivia, who was still unconscious.

"Oliv--" Elsa had passed out again.


The dragon finally perched on the jutting lip of a cliff on the side of Mt. Aragorn. Two rock golems were waiting patiently for its arrival. The dragon vanished, once again becaming Ivy, now with Olivia and Elsa unconscious next to her. 

Ivy paid them no mind, and walked past the golems towards the entrance into the interior of the mountain.

"Prepare our guests," commanded Ivy. "The time of reckoning is soon nigh."

The rock golems obeyed and retrieved the pair of unconscious women.



Elsa's eyes fluttered open for a second time, and the first thing she saw was Anna's worried face.

"Anna...?" Elsa said raspily. She was not restrained; rather, she was leaning along the wall of what appeared to be a cave, the same cave where Anna and Yves were being held.

"Oh Elsa, thank goodness you're alright!" Anna went in for a hug. "I knew you'd come."

Anna was still holding Yves in her arms as she embraced Elsa, and he fidgeted in annoyance at the close physical content. Anna pulled away and made reasuring sounds to calm the toddler.

"Where's Olivia?" asked Elsa. She was still coming to and hadn't entirely processed her predicament.

Anna frowned as she rocked Yves to and fro. "Who's Olivia?"

"Ah! She's awake!" All eyes turned to see Ivy enter the space; she was once again straddled by the stone golems on either side. "Apologies for the rough introductions, but I just couldn't resist making a grand entrance."

Elsa struggled to her feet with Anna's assistance. " murdered those people. I saw you transform into that creature..."

"Creature?" asked Anna, her brow.  "What creature?"

Ivy brushed aside the comments. "Darling, they were nobodies. Unimportant brigadiers. But not you, and not I. We're something special."

"I'm nothing like you!" said Elsa, slowly finding her strength returning. "And you're going to pay for kidnapping my sister."

"Well, I had to do it," explained Ivy. "How else could I get you here to tell you the most important news of your life? That you and I are alike in that we both possess powers from the gods?"

"The gods?" said Elsa. "What are you talking about?"

Ivy pointed to the mark on her face. "It's as clear as the symbol on my face, my dear. I was chosen to bring you here to help with the resurrection of the foundation. I need you to help bring Baba Yaga back to life."

"Elsa, who is Baba Yaga?" asked Anna.

"She's only the most powerful being to ever exist," explained Ivy. "And only by reuniting the strongest elements to her ground foundation can enough power be summoned to bring her back to former glory. I have been tasked to facilitate her return. I am the master of wind. Elsa is the master of water. Which leaves just one person...."

The golems moved aside to reveal Olivia, who walked into the center of the space.

Elsa was relieved. "You're alive!"

Olivia avoided her eyes. Anna looked to Olivia, then to her sister, confused. "Elsa, what's going on? Do you know this person?"

"Yes, Anna. Olivia helped me find you. She has powers, just like me. We can work together to overpower this woman and save you!"

Ivy smirked. "Is that so? Sounds like you've got this all figured out. Olivia? If you could?"

"Wait..." said Elsa. " does this woman know who you are...?"

Olivia said nothing, instead walking towards Elsa, her eyes to the ground. She stopped in front of Elsa when they were only inches apart.

"What are you doing?" asked Elsa.

At last, Olivia raised her head to look Elsa square in the face. She smiled, but the smile didn't reach her eyes. "I...I just want to let you get close to me."

Olivia outstretched a gloved hand and held it to Elsa's face.

Elsa was shocked, but in that moment, she made a conscious decision to let her guard down. She closed her eyes and leaned into the touch.

Olivia then placed another hand on the other side of Elsa's face caressing her cheek. She then leaned in close and whispered. "I'm so sorry."

She kissed Elsa on the forehead.

In an instant, a whole wave of sights, sounds, images and memories flooded Elsa like a shock to her system.

First she saw Olivia as a young girl with her parents. Then she saw their life as indentured servants to an unseen master.

A young boy was born after, then the scene fast-forwarded to Olivia holding her brother as she was violently separated from her mother and father, sold to a new owner.

There's was the sound of flesh being burnt and then the vision of a figure huddled in the corner of a dark room.

It was Olivia. Her back was to the room, and etched in her skin was a tattoo of the following symbol:

The final image was of Olivia and this new owner, the woman they had just met, standing at the edge of a cliff

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The final image was of Olivia and this new owner, the woman they had just met, standing at the edge of a cliff. They were facing each other. The woman took Olivia by the wrists and together a smog had emanated, transforming them both into one singular, large smog dragon. It rapidly ascended in the sky. The last image Elsa saw was of the creature descending upon Arendelle...

Elsa stepped away from Olivia's touch, horrified.

" was you all along?"

Elsa Out of Her Element ✔ [COMPLETED] | A Frozen 3 Disney LGBTQ Fanfiction (GXG)Where stories live. Discover now