The whole story.

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I still cant believe this. Its like im having a nightmare but at the same time its reality. Everything is not what it seems sometimes. You can wish to have it all, but when you realize that what you wished for is all in a dark room. I would never want to  wish for what i wished for ever, again!!.

So here  i am, always wanting my mom to love me as much as  i do, but she doesnt see eye to eye with  me. I love my mom so bad, that i can take my life for her. My dad, i dont really have to say anything because he does what he gotta do. And yes he loves me, alot. I can tell.

Im their only  child, and thats why they called me Sweety, seems like i came to bless them up. I've gone to the most expensive schools and here i am almost attending my last semester exams so i can graduate my diploma with super high grades. I have been so good in school, one thing my  parents bragged about.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 10, 2020 ⏰

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