•11: I was so impress-sed•

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Jeonguk was taken aback, eyes scanning the extravagant interior of Taehyung's house, but really, it's a castle. It was nothing like those castles you can see in the movies. It was so much more. it's fancy but also weird, like he's seeing the mixture of different timelines from decades ago to this modern era. Weirdly beautiful? A beautiful mess? He thought, trying to put it into words until he realised.

Yeah. Taehyung.

The feels he get from the organized mess, the distinct decorations and overall uniqueness of the whole place, shouts Taehyung. Yeah. It's definitely his style.

Jeonguk was satisfied with what his brain thought and there's no other words to describe the castle but the name of his mate himself.

They kept quiet while the sound of their steps echoed in the wide hallway. Jeonguk was still taking note of every exceptional furniture and luxurious designs while Taehyung was surprisingly not uttering a word.

"Master. " Jimin greeted the couple.

They arrived in front of a big door that looked like the doors you' ll see in some movies that sends people either to heaven or hell with the door keeper ( Jimin ) beside it, welcoming souls with a smile that you' ll never confirm if it's devilish or an
angelic one.Taehyung squeezed Jeonguk's hands and slowly exhaled before stepping forward and allowing Jimin to open the door.

"Hello! "

They were welcomed with good-looking people already sitting at a long table with fancy looking utensils that were already set.The room, the people and everything were oozing with 'royalty' vibe.

Taehyung was surprised at the number of people in front of him. His parents, his aunts and uncles, his cousins and even his ex-crush for ten years slash childhood friend slash far relative, Minho and his girlfriend slash Taehyung's cousin,Crystal and other relatives were there. They all, unexpectedly,came tonight which is very unusual.Although everyone, except his parents, lives with him, they rarely meet because of their big ass castle and they aren' t that
attached with each other so they don't really bother eating together and having that family bonding thing.

Talk about vampires being literally cold blooded. Well, maybe except Taehyung because he really likes warm company and affection and cuddles
that it always made him upset about having a big family living in one house, d repeat, castle, but never really having the feeling of 'home' that he usually sees in a human family.

During those times, he thinks he's the luckiest to have Jimin. Jimin is a great part of his survival kit that made him endure such a lonely set up.But at least tonight is special. They are all present.

They all came for Taehyung....or for his mate. But whatever. At least they all came. That's what matters.Taehyung was starting to feel very emotional about the fact that it looks like they' re having a family reunion until his eyes landed on the man beside him.

Nice, polite, gentle with overflowing charisma. Mr. Perfect Boyfriend Jeonguk was automatically activated as he greets them with his sweet, charming smile. He took a sharp left turn in a speed of light and the change was so drastic that it terrified Jimin and Taehyung.

"Uh,everyone,this is-"

"Jeonguk! You're Jeonguk right! ?"

Taehyung's mom blurted out in excitement smiling from ear to ear.

"C'mon, sit down! "

Taehyung' s dad said as he gestured the three to sit down which they did. Taehyung and Jeonguk sat beside each other, in front of Taehyung's parents while Jimin sat between Taehyung and Yoongi, his mate, facing his own parents.Despite being royalties, they actually bring a warm atmosphere
as if they were all just a normal family except that they all looked very young and exceptionally handsome and beautyful.

Accidentally yours.by-JeonTaeTrash [Kookv](republished)✓Where stories live. Discover now