Walking in..

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You walk in into a house in the middle of the night because you where lost and it was raining

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You walk in into a house in the middle of the night because you where lost and it was raining.You found a nice house,you came in and saw two cute guys.They both took you to a room,kaname said," why are you here?" You told him you got lost.
She's a cute girl...I will do anything to make her happy.I hope she's okay.She looks really tired,it's 12:40 am she needs to rest.
POV: Sebastian
Mmm..I see she's a pretty good girl.I know I'll make breakfast in the morning a special for her.mmm..just right :)

It's 12:46 I'll get some rest.I am really tired tbh sorry if I am disturbing you.kaname: We will go good night. You: WAIT what's your names?
Sebastian and kaname we will be your masters for today :) Good night my lady.
POV: you
They are so nice.I'll just go to sleep I am really tired.

* next morning *

* yawns* mmm..whats that smell,it smells really good.*gets out of bed and opens doors *

Kaname & Sebastian
Good morning madam your food is in the table,
Sebastian gets the chair for you and sits you down while kaname is making food.

Kaname & Sebastian Good morning madam your food is in the table, Sebastian gets the chair for you and sits you down while kaname is making food

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This is really good.ill stay with them for a week :) they make really good food.
I hope she liked it I did my best just for her.I love her so much,such a cute smile and a nice body.STOP don't think like that kaname...

She's a nice girl,I'll like her to stay for longer.Its her not me we will see Ig..

That was delicious thank you!
Kaname," thank you I did try my best."
Sebastian:," madam your cloths is in the room."
Thank you Sebastian
* gives kaname & Sebastian a kiss on the cheek*

Omg I just did that..
* walks away*
Let's see what he picked for me??
Oh this is really nice

* walks away*Let's see what he picked for me??Oh this is really nice

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Let me change into it. Omg it's really nice!Huh what's this? Sebastians letter: hope you have a nice,fun day ;) can't wait till your surprise.

Umm oh I- um- I'll just leave it here Ig.
Kaname & Sebastian see you and blush a little at you they see you wearing the dress and some nice black thigh high boots

Kaname & Sebastian see you and blush a little at you they see you wearing the dress and some nice black thigh high boots

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Kaname says nice outfit and you day thank you. Sebastian gets into the conversation and says," did you read the note me and kaname left you princess?" You said yes and thought why he said princess.

They take you to go skate,bowling,play golf and go to the store for shopping.
One you notice they said we will buy you something you will wait with Zero

One you notice they said we will buy you something you will wait with Zero

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You said okay and waited about an hour and saw them come out with things.You said what's that? They both said," you have to wait till me get home." You said okay and walked home with them.Zero became good friends with you and left.

                    * at home*
      They tell you to wait outside for bit.
You wonder what's going on...

Kaname & Sebastian POV
Do you think she'll like the tase of us ;) said Sebastian. I hope so i know she's a good girl I'll choke her and bite her,squeeze those good mmm...cant wait....
They both set the room up get the bed lights red and get roses they light candles up.Get some things to play with :)

What's taking them so long?

They finally open the door,but they say to close your eyes. They lead you to your room to change into the close they got you.
They close the doors and see the outfit..it's I-

You look at it and put it on

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You look at it and put it on.You open the doors there you see kaname and Sebastian with out a shirt and some hot 🥵 pants..They look at you up and down and bite there lip..you think what will happen next TBC....

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 09, 2020 ⏰

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