{ Introduction }

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Welcome, Harry Potter Fans and Writers!

Have ever wanted to get noticed, for your book (s)? Well, now you can, you have come to the right place!

This is the second Harry Potter awards that have been hosted on this account.

The host and main admin of this competition is me @hardwiick1, if you have any questions you can dm me or post on this message board along with dming this account and this message board

I am really excited to be hosting this awards book, I now know what works and what doesn't, and I now know how I want the awards to work.

I want to start by wishing everyone the best of luck.

We will be dividing the stories due to categories which will be listed in the chapters to come.

There will be 2 rounds to this competition, which is to eliminate all of the contestants that score below 30 for the points for the first round.

Keep your eyes peeled for more information!! 

Also, note that if you have judged in the previous book awards you are eligible to judge again (but you still need to fill out an application)

Thanks guys!

Harry Potter Book Awards Feb 2020 (Open)Where stories live. Discover now