{ Rules }

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1: The book must be 3 chapters or longer, prologues and epilogues may count as chapters.

2: The book does not have to be finished, but you need to say if it's done or not though.

3: You can enter the maximum of 3 books per person but all books must be in different categories

4: No bribing, or cheating the judges.

5: You must be following the accounts of the hosts, this account and the judges which will be announced at a later date.

6: You must tag 5 people in your application.

7: Comment in the space provided by each category (near where the categories are).

8: Password for contestants is their favourite Hogwarts House.

9: Always be kind and do not be a sore loser, no aggressive behaviour allowed, neither are negative comments, those who do will be reported.

10: Please pm this account or hardwiick1 or comment on our profiles if you have any questions.

11: Continuously check to see when we post new announcements, or if we change anything.

12: Contestants are able to apply for judging but are not allowed to judge the category their book (s) are entered in (you must talk to the owners if so)

13: You must let us know if your book is LGBT+ or for mature audiences.

14: Comment your username on your comment, add this book to your reading list and library.

15: You may add #Hp or #HpBookAwards on your book description or profile, and put #hpcomp on your bio and profile.

16: Please let us know if English is not your native language because criteria for grammar will be not as hard on you.

17: You must follow all of the admins and the judges from your category.

18: If anyone bribes the judges, they face disqualification if they did it to


1: You must follow the hosts and this account which is.

2: Report bribes or any misconduct, immediately.

3: You can not judge the category your books are in. (If required, talk to the hosts about this)

4: The password is your favourite professor in Harry Potter.

5: You must pm the criteria/judging to the account or hardwiick1 when the review is required.

6: Comment near the categories for your judge application.

7: No Favouritism. Judge equally and be constructive. Be nice and friendly.

8: You must pick 2 categories to judge in case one category is full.

9: There will be 1 judge per category (but this could change or 1 in 2 categories due to the number of stories).

10: Add this to your library/ reading lists.

11: Always check for updates. Answer kindly if contestants comment on your profile or pm you questions.

12: Must be okay with LGBT and mature content in books.

13: Check your pm and this book regularly for updates

14: This is optional but you may promote this book in any way you can.


Harry Potter Book Awards Feb 2020 (Open)Where stories live. Discover now