and i oop-

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Exiting the airport, he spotted his amazing boyfriend waving.

"Aksel! Holy shit!" The Mexican boy yelled as he ran to the other and tackled him in a hug.

They laughed together as their eyes filled with tears of joy.

"God damnit, I'm so happy to see you dumbass!" Aksel released the hug and started walking with Alex over to get his luggage and then to the car.

"Uhuh! I'm happy to see you, as well~!" Alex smiled as he questioned the taller, "Where are the others?"

"They're at the new house- oh hey, let me help you with your luggage." He took some of the bags and suitcases from the shorter and loaded them into the backseat.

"What a gentleman." Alex joked as they got in the car themselves.

"I am polite to the ladies." Aksel winked at him and started up the car.

The radio started to play hot girl bummer - blackbear.

The car ride was full of laughs and fun as they both sung along to the songs.

"You have arrived at your destination." 

Heads turned to the phone, which displayed google maps.

"Funny how I was driving and I didn't even notice." Aksel smiled blankly.

"Sheesh. Dumbass, am I right?" Alex joked, earning himself an elbow in the rib.


"Sheesh. Absolute asshole, am I right?" He mocked as the shorter pouted and walked to the door.

He opened it to find all of his friends, a bunch of snacks, and lots of music.

"Surprise!" They all yelled as Alex looked around to admire the different colors of balloons, banners, all those decoration items.

"This is..," Alex searched his brain for the right word to use, "amazeballs!"

They bursted out in laughter

"Fucking... amazeballs?" Aksel said in between laughs.

"Yeah!" Alex smiled at him innocently as he calmed down from laughing and pecked the small boy on the lips.

"And... posted. Only took me another book to get that fanfic done." Brandon closed his laptop.

"Yeah, yeah. Whatever." Aksel rolled his eyes, a large grin taking over his face. 

"Ooo, right! Let's go get my stuff so we can unpack and I can decorate my new room!" Alex cheered excitedly.

Aksel agreed and grabbed one of the cookies off of the table as he went out the door with Alex.

The shorter opened the car and struggled to get even the smallest suitcases and bags out of the car.

"How the hell did you carry all of these to the car alone?"

"I wasn't tired at that time!" Alex whined as he finally managed to get one suitcase out, which Aksel rolled along to the door.

"God, you're a dumbass. Go get some rest, I'll bring your stuff up to your room." Aksel smiled as Alex nodded and ran up to his new room.

Aksel turned his attention back to the luggage, bringing them easily out of the car and up to the door.

"How the hell was this so hard for him?"

Bringing the last suitcase to the area, he shut the car door and started bringing the stuff up to Alex's room, asking the others for help so it could get done faster.

He was done. Finally.

As the others left the room, Aksel admired his sleeping boyfriend.

He was so peaceful as he snored softly, having whatever kind of dreams the precious boy had.

"I love you." Aksel pecked him on the forehead as he walked out of the room, shutting the door quietly and slowly.

next chapter will be mostly about decorating :)

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 10, 2020 ⏰

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