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            The next day, (Y/N) (L/N) was absent. After his parents saw him and his dead complexion, they forced him to stay home to rest. Only when they were assured that the male was in his room did they inform the school he'll be absent because he was sick. (Y/N) didn't said anything, simply going back to sleep after breakfast.

Haruka frowned a little when she heard the news, tapping her pen on her notebook. She was right, something was off about (Y/N). Yesterday the male was in the infirmary after seeing the bloody scene (as told by her brother). She sighed, silently hoping the other would be fine.

"-- Aside that, I'm sure you're all aware of the incident that has occurred yesterday," The teacher spoke loud, interrupting Haruka from her thoughts, "And due to that, classes will be cancelled for three days starting tomorrow. Today we'll be doing a short investigation by class and year. Although it's unlikely the suspect is a student, we still need to make precautions. Please pack your bags, we'll be heading towards the gymnasium".

The whole class began talking to each other in hushed tones. It was a shocking event that everyone practically knew by now. Most of those who witnessed it were a bit traumatised to some extent. Luckily it was taken care of even before many others could see it. It brought a lot of questions, rumors, theories. One particular rumor was being spread amongst students: The Story of Sakura Ueda.

She was a third year student when the incident occured. She was fairly popular amongst the students. Not only was she beautiful, she was also kind and caring. Like the morning's sunlight and the fresh dew of spring; everything about her makes you feel safe and warm.

But one day, she was yelling at a male student. It was rare to see her angry. Even if you try and irritate her, she'd only smile, pat your head and continue on with her life.

This particular male student was her underclassman, but no one was exactly close to him. Sakura kept yelling to him, saying things like, "Leave me alone!" or "Didn't I said enough already?! Why can't you understand!".

After others interfered, the said male student became a target of bullying, as well as nasty rumors. Sakura wasn't sorry for what she did, doing her best to avoid the male student. It was after he was beaten badly by other upperclassmen, the student went absent-- actually they practically disappeared. No one really cared, and moved on with their lives. Sakura got herself a boyfriend, her parents got promoted-- everything was going great.

Years pass and everyone forgot about the student. Sakura and her boyfriend was going to be married a little after new year's, so they invited everyone they know.
In New Year's eve, Sakura and her fiance decided to visit the paternal side of her family to inform them about the wedding. Although it was raining, they didn't mind. After a few warnings from both family's the two went on a trip. Sadly it ended to an accident due to the slippery roads. When the police and paramedics came, the boyfriend has been hunched in the car dead for a few hours, but the body of Sakura was never found.

Weirdly enough, the injuries of the man wasn't by the car's broken glass or from the impact. Twenty eight stab wounds were all over his body, his tongue was cut and his hands were badly bruised. The boyfriend's family was devastated.

Hoping that their only child was alive, the family of Sakura went on an investigation, but the results always end fruitless. After two years, Sakura's parents almost wanted to give up-- that is when they got a call from the police, saying they finally found her body.

It was an odd and gruesome sight. Her hands were tied by thick rope, arms was decorated by various bruises and cuts. Her legs were twisted wrong, three large cuts ran along her thigh to her ankles. A mark of "K.T" was carved at her shoulder. But she was dressed in a silk white dress, her braided was adorned with flowers, and her face was untouched. Her eyes were open, lifeless and grey.

The suspect was found dead three days later after they fished him in the ocean. Turns out it was that male student who disappeared. In his hands held a picture of Sakura, a letter for her was written on it.

After the death of the suspect, a lot of clues was found in the suspect's hiding place. Medical files of various people, a wall of stolen shots of Sakura, clothes with dried blood, a few corpses burried carelessly in the backyard. It was news that shocked everyone, especially the families and closed relatives of the victims involved. And for what? Desired love that can never be achieved?

It's pitiful, really.


(Y/N) slowly opened his eyes, the heavy feeling on his chest still there. He sat up from his bed, rubbing his eyes. He glanced at the clock on the wall, indicating it was 2:30 PM in the afternoon. He removed the covers off his body and swung his legs to the edge of the bed.

Dreams were something (Y/N) didn't think much of. Most of the time it was nothing but fiction and weirdness after all. But this particular dream made his heart throb, and he wasn't sure why.

He was standing in a field of flowers, the wind softly blowing over him. The sky was an endless blue, the sun covered by the clouds. He looked around him, wondering what he was doing in a field when he felt someone tug the hem of his shirt. (Y/N) turned around, seeing a child clinging tightly unto his shirt. They were crying, but their face couldn't be clearly seen because of the boy's hair. (Y/N) patted the boy's head, asking, "What's wrong? Are you lost again?".

He himself didn't say those words, but it just came out of his mouth. The child didn't reply, but from his shirt he clinged unto his leg tightly, shaking his head. (Y/N) was frozen for a moment, before he kneeled down and patted the boy's head, "It's alright, I'm here. Don't be so sad now okay?".

The boy looked at him, (Y/N)'s heart seemed to stop for a moment. A sudden gush of wind snapped him, he turned around, a hooded figure stood before him. He turned to the boy, but he was no longer there.

"Why did you leave me? You promised you won't leave me right?".

And then, he woke up.

The feeling of guilt was still present, and yet he didn't know why. He tried remembering the face of the boy, but everything was slowly becoming blurry for him. He sighed, checking his phone to see various messages. Some from his parents, a few from Haruka and Kirishima, others from classmates and one from Hayato. He read them one by one before he shut his phone and laid on the bed again.

He was tired.

He wondered what the person's goal was. Although he hadn't done anything serious to harm him or those close to him, (Y/N) felt that is he relaxed even one bit they might strike. He was angry, yet he didn't know what to do at this point.

He sat up once again, moving out of his bed to eat late lunch. He yawned slightly, closing his door behind him and headed down.

It was slightly dark downstairs, since the curtains were drawn. He switched on the light, and his face immediately paled.

Scattered around the room was wilted roses, and the strong smell of rotten flesh hits his nose. (Y/N) quickly covered his nose, feeling nauseated. He checked the doors and the windows seeing its still locked. Checked other places and find no trace of anyone entering. He slowly turned his head towards the dining table, a cassette innocently was placed in the middle.

He slowly approached, his feet feeling heavy all of a sudden. With shaking hands he pressed play, waiting for possibly anything.

A few moments pass, nothing happens. He thought to shut it off, but sound erupts from the speakers. It was distorted, sometimes repeating the same words like a glitch. Others wouldn't be able to catch what it said, but (Y/N) hears it loud and clear.

"Why did you leave me? You promised you won't leave me right?".

A click and the tape ends.


Little thought: Latest update of Wattpad is shit. Decided to re-download the old version because Wattpad is more cash grabbing than some of the games I play. Bring me back to no premium days where my edgy 13 self would inhale all the free good YA novel.

That aside, stay safe everyone! 2020 is wack as heck.

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