Chapter 1

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You Can Always Come Home

Chapter 1

Quinn shoved the last of her things into her duffel bag. She looked around the room one last time, making sure there was nothing else she was forgetting, and felt a tear fall down her cheek as she saw what remained of their living room.

The lamp by the couch was smashed in pieces, with little shards scattered across the floor. The phone that had once rested on the coffee table now lay on the other side of the room, dead and useless, no help to her now. The picture frames and small whatnots that had decorated their fireplace had all been broken and ruined, with one being thrown at the window and cracking it. She didn't recognize this room anymore or the people who had once occupied it. She caught a glimpse of a picture from their wedding day laying carelessly on the floor, victim of being chunked at her during their fight. She picked it up carefully, staring at the people behind the now broken glass. The smiling faces and bright eyes that filled the frame were now just a sheer reminder of the people they used to be, a distant memory from her past. She put the frame back down and grabbed her bag to leave. She took one last look in the broken mirror by the door.

Her eyes were red, puffy and swollen. The black eye she was now sporting hadn't made them look any better either, and she quickly pulled her bangs down to cover it. Her cheeks were red and tear stained, with one bearing a long, red scratch down it. Her lips were trembling, dried blood plastered in the corners. She attempted to straighten herself, finding it useless and growing frustrated. She knew she had let this go on long enough, had made too many excuses for him. She knew she had to do it, to finally leave this all behind her and move on.

The moment she opened the door and stepped through it she felt relief instantly wash over her. She softly closed the door behind her, trying to make as little noise as possible, and making her way to the elevator. She felt her heart pounding in her chest, excitement and fear pumping her adrenaline. Her legs and feet were now restless, wanting to run and carry her as far away from here as they could take her. She heard a small ding and saw the elevator open up. She swiftly darted inside and pressed the first floor button repeatedly, hoping the doors would shut quickly and take her away. She leaned back against the wall, feeling herself relax for the first time in a long time. She closed her eyes slowly, imagining what he would do when he woke up and found her gone. She was so lost in her thoughts that she almost didn't hear a small voice speak up beside her.

"Honey, are you ok?" Her eyes shot open, not realizing someone else had been in her presence. She turned to her right to see a small woman around her sixties. She had dark, gray hair that was pulled into a bun and the lightest blue eyes. She was smiling at Quinn, a look of concern etched on her face.

"Yes ma'am," Quinn answered politely, "I'm fine thank you." She turned back, wondering how she must look to the lady next to her, when she spoke up again.

"I guess you're one of the lucky ones."

The elevator dinged again and interrupted Quinn. The little old lady began making her way out of the elevator on the second floor, but stopped to speak to Quinn before she left.

"Day one," she said softly as she patted Quinn's hand, "start over again."

Quinn smiled at her as the doors closed, leaving Quinn alone with her thoughts. Her mind began racing, wondering where she would go or what she was going to do. The doors opened once more and Quinn stepped out, throwing her bag over her shoulder and making her way to her car. Once inside, she placed her bag in the backseat and adjusted her mirror. She stared at the girl looking back at her, trying to remember who she was.

"It doesn't matter," she whispered to herself, "day one."

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