Chapter 19

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Chapter 19

"Honey, I'm home."

His voice sent chills down her spine and the sight of his evil smile made her skin crawl. Quinn's mind had gone into panic mode as she raced towards the stairs, trying to flee from him and get to Ava. She was on the first step but Jesse quickly grabbed her, wrapping his arms around her waist and pulling her down.

"Well, I thought you'd be a little more enthusiastic about our reunion," he sighed, tugging her towards a chair a flinging her in it.

She'd known it all along, deep down in the blackest pit of her stomach she had known that he would find her. The odd things that had happened and goose bumps she always had didn't seem so crazy anymore, and she wondered how long he had been there.

"Well, aren't you going to welcome me?" he asked, pulling a chair up in front of her so he could face her. Quinn stared at him deeply, scared for what he had planned for her.

"H-how'd you f-find me?" she sputtered trembling. Jesse laughed loudly, sliding his chair towards her.

"Sweetheart, don't you see? You're predictable!" he said enthusiastically, "You have a routine: something goes wrong, run!" He began tugging in his pockets, pulling out something and standing.

"I mean it's a little sad if you ask me. You fuck up in Lima, run to California. You fuck up in California, run to Lima!" Jesse's tone was so cheerful it was creepy, and he casually made his way behind Quinn's chair, "I mean after a while its like, wow, someone really needs to face their problems." Quinn tried to get up and flee but he pushed her back down hard, his hands digging into her shoulders as he did so.

"Besides, its not like you had anywhere else to go. I will say I was surprised you had the guts to come back here. I mean after you ruined everything and cut out all of the people who loved and cared about you so much, I didn't think any of them would accept you again. I guess they're all as weak as you." He leaned down and placed a kiss on her forehead, causing Quinn to try and move again. Jesse was quick to stop her, pulling her hair hard and jerking her head back.

"I mean honestly Quinn, what are you always running from?" he whispered in her ear, "First its all Puck's fault cause he knocked you up. Then its all my fault because I'm "not the man you married," he laughed using his fingers for quotes, "Maybe its not us honey, maybe its you." He pulled Quinn's hands behind the chair as she tried to fight him, but he overpowered her. She felt him place some sort of band around her wrists and ankles, tightening it to where it dug into her flesh.

"I mean Puck, poor guy, he was crazy about you. Oh wait, that was before you made him give up everything he loved," Jesse sighed as he made his way towards the kitchen, "Then I came along and gave you everything you ever wanted, and how do you repay me? You just run away again!" Jesse began looking at the refrigerator and browsing through the pictures that covered it.

"W-what are you doing here?" Quinn managed to get out. Jesse slowly turned around, his expression solemn.

"Sweetheart, don't you understand? I'm here to take you home." Quinn shook her head, the tears she had been holding back now falling.

"I'm not going with you," she said hastily, "I'm not going anywhere with you." Jesse made his way to her, squatting down in front her and placing his hands on her knees.

"Honey, its time to come back now. You've been playing house long enough." He grabbed a picture frame off the counter and showed it to her.

"You see this?" he asked pointing to the picture. It was of Puck hugging Quinn while Ava sat happily on his shoulders. Rachel had taken it when they had gone to the lake for a weekend, and the memory made her smile.

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