still at the bet studio

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Amanda: so girls I heard you guys have Anthony Allen as your coriogrpher

Girls:  yeah

Amanda:  tell me about him

Destiny: well he is dope like when he be giving us dance moves we be catching on quick he is amazin

Amiya:  yeah umm. He puses us to do good we practice. All day every day he even challenges. Us in dance offs with other studios in Atlanta

Amanda:  oh really. Like what studios

Amiya:  like iheart dance studio. Dance is life studio , and our biggest compittion. Pretty girls dance studio

Amanda:  I heard of them they are good but y'all studio better what is Anthony studio called

Amiya:  it's called Anthonys hustleers

Amanda:  that's a good name so how close is you guys and Anthony

Brittna ; real close he is like our second. Dad he protects us

Amanda:  that's good that's good  so I heard you guys are going on tour

Destiny:  yeah the all-star tour

Amanda:  so who all going

Amiya:  us and little z. And k.c mob

Amanda:  all them girls in the tour bus y'all gonna be fighting. Especially. You amiya

Amiya:  yeah but I can dill with it if they. Don't touch my stuuf

Destiny:  yeah we got beef. With the little Z's

Amanda:  why

Destiny.:  they do to much last time. We were on tour with them they. Pulled. A prank on us and put honey and feathers. In our hair and told our manager. That we did it first to them

Amanda : now that's cold I whorls have beef. With them to OK one more question

Girls: ok

Amanda: so do you guys have any new songs

Amiya:  yeah boss and salute

Amanda:  what are. They adout

Destiny.:  boss is about girls who got game and people can't tell them what to do

Amiya:  and salute. I'd about all the ladies out their you are sapisse to be tested with respect

Amanda' so the ladies are the leaders

Amiya:  yep

Amanda: well that's all for tonight bet watch official. All-star. New videos salute and boss and stay bad thank-you

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