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"LET me get this straight…" Tom paced back and forth as Connie sat on the couch before him, watching his over-dramatized movements. "You've been ditching me all week because you didn't want to tell me something that had nothing to do with me…or you…or us? Have I got that right?"

"Tom, I just couldn't – "

"Answer the question, Connie. Because I just want to make sure I understand before –"

"Before what? Before you start yelling at me? Before you break up with me?" Connie pouted.

Tom took in the distressed look on Connie's face and plopped down next to her on the couch, causing Connie's small body to bounce.

"Hey, why'd you have to go there and ruin all my fun," Tom said as he put his arm around her. "You gave me the runaround for days. The least you could do is let me give you hell about it."

"I didn't know what to do," Connie turned the sad eyes on her boyfriend. "Now that it's all said and done, I can see how I could have handled things much differently, but while it was happening…I just knew you would have wanted to tell Harry and then Jocelyn would have been so pissed at me… and then Bree…"

"You really like her, don't you?"

"I do." Connie seemed saddened by that fact. "And now she probably hates me."

Tom shook his head. "I'm sure she doesn't hate you. She knows it's not your fault."

"Yeah, but I knew and I didn't tell her. If I were her, I'd be mad. I'd feel like the biggest fool if my friends knew something about my boyfriend that I didn't know."

"It wasn't really your place to tell her."

"So if Bree cheated on Harry, and you knew, you wouldn't tell him?"

"That's different."


"Because first of all, Harry didn't cheat on Bree. And second, Harry is my best friend. I've known him a lot longer than you've known Bree. It would be expected."

"So you're saying I should have kept Jocelyn's secret because I've known her longer."

"I didn't say that." Tom shook his head. "Jocelyn's a hag and Bree should have done more than punch her in the face for her little fatal attraction stunt."

"I still think I should have told Bree. Even though I've known Jocelyn forever…what she did was evil."

"Yeah. Besides, no one did anything to Jocelyn."

"But what Harry did to Jocelyn was –"

"Don't try to blame this on Harry. He's not responsible for Jocelyn going psycho."

Connie shrugged, already growing tired of talking about the situation. "Are you going to tell Harry?"

"Hell yes I'm going to tell Harry."

* * *

Bree crossed and uncrossed her legs as she sat at the public library looking over a book that she'd already read twice.

When she'd told her father that she was going to the library, he'd smiled and told her that she hadn't gone in awhile and he was glad she was going back. Bree immediately heard what he wasn't saying. Ever since she'd started spending more time with Harry, the little things that she used to do were falling by the wayside.

Bree hated her father's assumption that she was losing who she was for Harry. She preferred to think of it as layering her interests. When on her own, she preferred to read or write. However, being with Harry trumped both of those interests, as she'd rather engage in activities that required two people instead of one…at least where Harry was concerned. And it wasn't just the physical aspects of their relationship that Bree enjoyed. Learning about Harry had quickly become her favorite pastime.

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