Starting High School

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I woke at 6:30 by my dad waking my up. I took a shower and did my hygiene business. I got dressed in gray sweatpants, a baby blue tank top, and some baby blue flats with a bow in the middle.

I'm new to California so I don't really know their style. I'm really nervous going to this new school because I don't have any friends there. I left all of my old friends back in Uganda. I'm not really rich at all. I'm miserable I don't have anything at all. Me and my dad lives in an old beat up one bedroom apartment.

When I was done getting ready I walked outside and said bye to my dad. I walked to the bus stop and waited for the bus I only had $2. $1 for the bus and $1 for lunch. My dad couldn't afford to give me more. He works a minimum wage job and his checks are barely even enough to pay the rent. I only eat once a day and that's at school. When the bus came I didn't know what to do. In Uganda I usually walked to school.

It was no problem because I lived right next to my school. I really missed it back in Uganda. The bus driver saw my confused face and he showed me how to pay for the bus. He asked me where I was going and I gave him the name of my school. He showed me the stop and I thanked him very much. As I got closer to the doors of the school, I had a weird felling in my stomach. When I walked in, all eyes where on me.

I soon realized that I was the only black person in this school. I feel so out of placed. I also realized that the way I was dressed made everyone look at me most if the girls where wearing high heels and short skirts. I wanted to ask someone where the office was but I didn't want to get made fun if because of my heavy accent. As I was walking down the hallway, I could feel all eyes following me.

I put my head down and walked taking short glances at the door to see if it was the office. When I finally reached the office I sighed, a breathe of relief and opened the door. There sat a lady with sharp blue eyes and short blonde hair.

"Hello. My name is Monroe White and I'm new here. I'm looking for my schedule." She smiled at me and started typing away on her computer.

"Here you go sweetheart. I hope you have a wonderful time here at C.A." she said.
I thanked her and walked out. I looked down at my schedule as I was walking and I suddenly bumped into somebody causing all of my books to fall to the ground. I quickly apologized and fell to my knees to gather up my books. That mysterious person helped me pick up my books and our hands brushed against each other. I looked up to see the most beautiful creature that I've ever seen.

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