Ex Part 2

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Ex 😳 Part 2
You looked past Kim. You've got to be kidding me. Kim saw you were distracted. 'What's going on?' "*sigh* she's here." 'Who's here?' "Demi." 'Demi? Your Demi?' "Yes! Who else would I be talking about?!" 'Just truly not to think about it! We're here to have fun!' "You're right....sorry." You continued to sing and dance. Then there was an intermission. "Woooo I'm thirsty....you want anything?" 'A water please!' "Comin right up!" You walked away and went to the concessions. You sat in line looking at your phone. You felt a tap on your shoulder. You turned. It was Demi. 'Hey....' "Demi." 'Look. I just wanted to come say hi. I know it's been a while and you probably don't want to talk to me......' "what is there to talk about?" 'Well.....us.....' "what do you mean? You're the one who walked out on me." 'I know and.....' "Look Demi. I can't do this now." 'Then let's talk....tomorrow?....please.' You could never say no to her puppy dog eyes. It always melted your heart no matter what got between you guys. "Fine. Tomorrow." 'Thank you. It means a lot. Meet me at my place. Whenever you want to come over. No pressure.' Demi walked away. You got the waters and went back to your seat. You got back to your seat and Kim noticed you were....uneasy. 'What happened?' "She came up to me." 'And?' "She apologized....and she invited me over tomorrow....and I said yes...I don't know why." 'Look. Everything will be fine. Just take a few deep breathes. You guys should talk this over. Figure it out.' "You're right." 'Aren't I always!' You laughed. "Sometimes...." then Ariana came back on and you guys rocked out for the rest of the show. You guys walked out towards Kim's car. 'Wow she was amazing!' "I know. Wow. I'm definitely going when she's back in town." 'Oh definitely.' You guys were talking and you got a text from a random number. It was Ariana. 'Hey! Y/n! It's Ariana! I just want to thank you again for coming! And thank your friend too! And I wanted to give you guys some tickets for next months show when I'm back! If you're free?' "Omg." 'What? What's going on?' "Ariana just invited us to her show next month!" 'Omg!' "I know!" You texted her back. "Of course! I would be honored! Thank you so much!" She texted back. 'No problem! ❤️ see you then!' You guys went home and you got ready for bed. You laid in bed for a few hours. You couldn't sleep. What did Demi want to talk about? Us? Why did I say yes? What am I doing? You needed answers. You got up and got in your car and drove to Demi's......

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