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Chapter 9

Your POV

"That is so cute, you should totally pick that one." I complimented Emma, she was still here, and we were going through a wedding catalogue, while Kendall was channel surfing.

"You think so, I don't want the place to be stuffy." she said.

"Nonsense, it'll look amazing." I protested.

"Okay, well I already picked out the wedding dress, sorry you couldn't come. With all that Chris crap going on." Emma apologized.

"Don't worry about it, it's no big deal. I just can't wait to see it." I said cheerfully. Ryan was in the playpen, cooing away with a colorful rattle.

"We'll why wait I took a picture, I have it here, wanna take a look at it?" she asked, I nodded. She showed me the picture, it was so breathtaking, it was absolutely beautiful. Kendall scoffed, Emma glared at him, "What?"

"I honestly don't know why you're making a big deal on the dress. By the end of the night it's going to be in a pile of clothes with mine, next to the bed." he said confidently, kissing her temple, Emma immediately flushed. I let out a small laugh, those guys were so adorable together.

Emma gained her color again, and focused on the guest lists. She invited a few people, I wasn't going to be a bridesmaids, truthfully she wasn't going to have any bridesmaids or groomsmen, at all. It was going to be a small ceremony, with a small reception. Kendall and her decided to keep it simple. With the wedding a few weeks away, my mind drifted off to Logan and I. I knew that by that date he and I would be gone in our separate ways.

Just like I did, Emma had everything done and ready to go, all she had to do was wait until the day came.

They soon left and I immediately called Henry, demanding to know why the hell he was going to give my album project to someone else.

"Jacqueline, you have to understand that I can't have people just sitting their doing nothing. I can't pay them just to come in and sit down." he explained, I got it, but what I didn't get is why Demi? I mean out of all the people, all the female singers out in the world, why her? My husbands, well soon to be ex, new love interest?

Of course I already knew the answer to my paranoia. It wasn't that I was mad that they had picked her, it's just that I'm jealous, the same girl who's taking my man away is the same that is going to take my music away from me too.

"Fine, but there's no need for that. I'll be there, and do my album. C'mon Henry, you know how much I busted my ass on it, you just can't pass it off to someone else." I disapproved. Henry assured me, that none of that was going to happen as long as I did go in less than two weeks. I hung up, looking at the wall clock, Mia would be here in any second, and Logan would come until tonight.

Do you know what's the sickest part in this whole thing? Knowing that this is all going to end soon, knowing that you have your days counted before he says the words, "it's over". Knowing that he will walk out of your life and that there is a possibility of a happily ever after. Having to know that your kids will ask you "where's daddy?" Or Ryan growing up without a fatherly figure, of course Logan wouldn't dare to leave Mia and Ryan, but it wouldn't be the same. It's not the same, Logan being here 24-7, to just spending every other weekend with them.

But I took a resolution, it'd be better to rip of the bandaid fast, rather then to peel it off and feel the pain slowly killing me. I would be the first to leave, I would end off this marriage, I would be willing to do it just so he wouldn't.

He already gave up on me, just so I could live. What more proof do I need so I can know he loves me. I thought it'd be easier to finish it up for him, and make his side of the deal a little easier. All I had to do was come up with a plan, which in that instant I had.

In My Viens (Sequel to "Enchanted")Where stories live. Discover now