"you are my everything don't go" ♡
-kim taehyung the school bully constantly bullying park eunha
-taehyung later on starts to catch feelings for eunha but doesn't know how to express it
-eunha's mom decided to take her own life when eunha was just 5...
I woke up as usual getting dressed into a casual oufit.:
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I never really understood why the girls at school try so hard with their oufits.I walked to the bus stop stepping into the bus taking a seat.The bus was very empty 'I can't possibly be late'I thought to myself.I checked the time on my phone 8:57 am.
"This can't be happening I'm late..."I whisper to myself.I arrived at the school I jumped out of the bus running towards school.The gates were already closed and locked.I hop over the gate since it's not high.
I opened the classroom door slowly and the teacher was already there. 'welp just my luck' i thought to myself.
"late again eunha?you can join taehyung after school for detention"ms.lee said.I sigh walking to my seat and sitting down.Someone throws a paper ball at my head.I turn around and see taehyung quietly laughing in his seat.I roll my eyes and go back to doing my work.
"I'll be back class jimin your in charge."ms.lee said walking out of the classroom.
Jimin had dark brow eyes and blue fluffy hair.Round glasses that suit him perfectly.Jimin was the shy type didn't really talk to much people. Surprisingly jimin was pretty popular for a shy boy like him.He hung out with the popular boys who he'd known since forever.
A/N:thats it for this chapter some chapters will be longer then others some shorter.