Sakamoto the errand boy

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song: eenie meenie

(B/f/n) had started and made friends with the boy that hangs out with Sakamoto, so since we all had the same class, she brought me along with them, much to my discomfort of it

The two had been talking about how Sakamoto ended up being some guys lacky or something "but, aren't you just being their errand boy?"

"No. This is education for the sake of instilling perseverance and insight in the next generation" he flat out denied it

Me and (b/f/n) looked at each other wondering why he can't see they are using him

"Sakamoto-kun, they're totally fooling you. They don't think of their errand boys as people"

"We're nothing more than tools to them"

"Is that truly so?" We looked at Sakamoto "there is a pecking order between old and young, Kubota-kun, (b/f/n)-chan. Do we not have the obligation to obey our elders, even if they are but a single year older?"

"Y-yeah, but still..."

There was a sudden whistle noise that got Sakamoto's attention "I hear it..."

"Are you talking about that loud whistle?" He didn't respond, that surprised (b/f/n), which just confused me more

"that melody beckons me. I bid you farewell" Sakamoto walked off after that


"I seriously don't get that boy" sighing as I start to head to our destination, they followed after seeing I wasn't fazed by Sakamoto just walking off


While the 2nd-years had PE while my class had math, I noticed the guy that's been having Sakamoto as an errand boy come out and show off some sort of PE clothes that were made out of the cloths we use to wash the windows, desks, and chairs

My suspicion was that he had ordered him to make it or he asked to use Sakamoto's PE clothes but he made that instead of his PE clothes ripping

Either way, I still couldn't understand why Sakamoto made himself go through with all the guys demands


Countless times I'd see the guy that uses Sakamoto as an errand boy, glide around campus with his schools slippers. Heck I've even seen Sakamoto walk the halls with a cardboard cutout of the guy as he headed to the 2nd-years class

'What are you thinking Sakamoto, I really don't understand you at all'


Having got used to being dragged with (b/f/n) I started becoming friends with Kubota as well, and since then, the three of us would walk to class together

But then instead of today, I heard another whistle. He was calling Sakamoto again

It was around the end of the day and most student had already left, me not being one of them, but as I was heading to my shoe locker, Maruyama had passed by me heading to his

That's when I saw Maruyama was looking at his empty shoe locker confused at why it was empty "huh? Where are my shoes?" Then I noticed Sakamoto next to me leaning over Maruyama's outdoor school shoes over a flame

"Will you be leaving?"

'Eh? What are you doing Sakamoto?'

"As for your footwear Maruyama-sama... I believe they have been warmed to optimal temperature"

"Huh?!" Maruyama charged over to Sakamoto "you bastard! What're you doin' to my-" letting go immediately after realizing they were hot "ow, hot!"

"I gave them a medium-level roast to trap some or the warmth within. Thus, the exterior may be somewhat hot"

"I think he noticed that on his own, Sakamoto" saying this as Sakamoto blew on Maruyama's shoes

Picking up his foot he was going to put in on "now then"

"Cut the crap already!" Maruyama kicked the his foot up, Sakamoto dodges but Maruyama had kicked his slipper off "who the hell would wear shoes like THAT?!"

Picking up Maruyama's slipper inspecting it "I see. The act of putting on shoes is itself bothersome. Please leave this to me" he stood up and walked off passed the lockers and to the right

Maruyama yelled after him as I backed up "yo, hey! My shoes!"

Sighing as I knew Sakamoto was going to do something weird like he always did, till suddenly there was a noise scaring Maruyama

"Your means of return has been prepared" Sakamoto came out pushing a mop bucket, probably from the janitors closet. Had to admit, I wasn't expecting him to come back with that "please. Your carriage awaits" Sakamoto starts running towards Maruyama as he yelled and I just moved out of the way sweatdropping at the antics going on right now

"This guy's nuts!"

After Sakamoto chased Maruyama, who was running from him. I thought now was a good enough time as any to head home and catch up on some reading I had missed from the day before because of (b/f/n) and her weird idea to go shopping then leave me to walk around


-Next day-

During lunch I was behind the used to be delinquents as they ordered their food "yo, ma'am, I'll take some ramen"

"Beef bowl for me"

"Sure thing"

"It's nice to eat in the cafeteria once in a while, huh?"

"Got that right"

"Yo, that's...!" The guys two friends looked to our left as saw what shocked even me

"No friggin' way! Maruyama-senpai is..."

"...buyin' his own sandwich?!"

After I had ordered my food, I sat at the table with Kubota, (b/f/n), and Sakamoto. Obviously sitting next to my friend, not Sakamoto

"Say, how's it going being an errand boy these days?"

"Yeah, what's with being an errand boy for you?"

Sakamoto swirled some ramen around in his bowl making the noodles become twisted as he answered Kubota "I was relieved of my duties"

"Huh? Again? Why?"

"Kubota-kun. Could it be... I'm somewhat out of synch?"

(B/f/n) started laughing at Sakamoto's sudden question, jumping at her laughter "Sakamoto, you wanna go do karaoke sometime?" She asks trying help Sakamoto relax

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