What's so Bad About This Game?

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Requested by VeemoKirby!


Mikey hummed to himself as he strolled though the sewers carrying his skateboard. Skating in the sewers had been awesome!

He had recently begun skating down there because of the tunnels and loops that made skating even more awesome!

As Mikey was walking, he almost stepped on a skinny little box. "Huh, what's this doing down here?"

He picked it up in curiosity and realized that it was a video game! "Sweet, free game!" He cheered.

He read it over, seeing that it was called  'The Glitch'. With a shrug, Mikey looked it over. "That's a weird name for a video game."

The game box was also cracked in places and dirty. There were a few red smears on the back. It had dark black smudges on it as if someone burned it.

"Huh, not in the best condition but it's probably still awesome!" He said to himself, wiping the dirt away with his hand.

He smiled and carried it with him back to the lair. His bros were there and they immediately greeted him.

"Hey Mikey, have fun skating?" Leo asked. Mikey nodded. "Yeah, and check out what I found!" He held it up so they could see it.

Raph took it, looking it over. "I....don't know if you should play this Mike, it looks a little...off." He warned.

Mikey pouted. "Aw, c'mon Raphie, it's just a game! What could be so bad about it?" He whined.

Raph looked at him menacingly. "Don't call me Raphie." He demanded. Donnie took the game from Raph and inspected.

"Where'd you find this?" The genius turtle asked. "On the ground, in the sewers." Mikey replied. "Why?"

Donnie looked confused. "Why would a video game be in the sewers? It just seems....weird." Mikey shrugged.

"I don't know D, maybe someone flushed it down a toilet or something!" Mikey said a bit impatiently.

Leo then took it. "Don and Raph are right Mikey, this doesn't seem safe, you shouldn't play it."

Mikey groaned, hanging his head. "Aw c'mon!" He whined. "It's just a video game bros, it's not like it's gonna kill me or anything!"

After a while, the brothers gave in, handing the game back to Mikey who took it eagerly, heading off to his room to play it.

He opened it up and placed it in the video game console. Sure, it was dusty and old but that wasn't stopping him!

He plugged in his controller, pressing start. 'The Glitch' lit up the screen in blue lettering, making it glow slightly.

"Aw yeah, time for some action!" Mikey cheered, making himself comfortable on the floor in front of the TV.

The game than started and at first, it seemed just a tad boring to the orange-masked turtle. All he did was run and jump over lightening bolts.

After a little while, Mikey paused and decided to grab a drink and a slice of pizza. He put the controller down and got up to go to the kitchen.

He didn't notice when the tv slightly sparked blue lightening and flashed a blood-red glow throughout the room.

"What's up, Mikey?" Leo asked, noticing the presence of his little brother as he ate a piece of pizza.

"Just grabbing some food, bro!" Mikey replied cheerfully, grabbing some soda, pizza and other snacks.

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