I will NEVER be satisfied .

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A/n: uh suicide warning
Character death.
Ghosts surrounded me. Some good,most bad. Most voices,some hurt me. Today I made a mistake. I cheated on Eliza....she's burning my letters......I never meant for this to happen....

"I remember that night I just might regret that night for the rest of my days.."
I sang softly remembering the night it started.
"I remember that lonely girl who walked into my life and lead me astray"
Voices say I lie.
"I remember the somber candlelight that scattered across her face."
I say remembering the beautiful woman I say named
"Maria Reynolds, she looked at me in this seductive way"
Slut. My voices say.
"She even made me pay..."
"Her scarlet red dress rested upon her curvy frame"
Unlike you fat ass.
"And when she told her story,I knew she needed succor"
Naive .
"She called me 'sir' it was all a blur just couldn't keep my hands off her..."
"Now it's to late, but just you wait."
I grabbed a pen and paper writing goodbyes to this world.
I hear the voices saying "say no to this." Over and over in my ear
I sighed
"And I know,that I deeply regret that night"
She won't believe you.
"And I know..I will never be satisfied. Now it's time to make it right." I opened the box that held my gun. The voices repeated "say no to this" I loaded the gun. "I will never be satisfied,I will never be satisfied" I fiddle with the gun. I see John he hugs me "Say no to this" He sang then disappeared "I will never be satisfied." I sang "I will never be satisfied" I pointed the gun to my head finger on the trigger. "I will never be satisfied, I will never be satisfied" I sang quietly. I heard banging on the door. And yelling for me to open the door Bang went the gun I felt pain in my hair and fell to the ground last thing I see was people running in before it all went black.

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