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I let Alena make her way inside first and wait a few moments before I enter myself allowing my father to think we're playing his game. As I enter I spot Alena standing with her family as well as Riccardo, Franco, and Bex off to the side of where my father is standing.

As soon a Papa sees me, he taps the side of his glass getting everyone's attention and eyes in his direction. "If I may have your attention." He bellows to the room. "I'm sure you're wondering why I've called you all here tonight, and it's for two reasons, both of those reasons involving my son Domiano." He looks around "Domiano, will you come up here please."

I make my way to the front of the room where he is standing and stand close to him, but off to the side a little.

"Tonight I would like to announce that I am stepping down as your don." A few of the member gasp softly, other nod thinking it must have been coming sooner or later. "But as you know you will be in goods with my son, Domiano taking over as the leader." He turns to me with a smile "Don, take the floor."

"Uh, thanks?" I ask looking around the room, my eyes locking on Alena's who gives me a supportive smile "It's nice to finally be officially the don and to be able to stand before you all as the new leader, it's something I've been trained for my entire life, something that was given to me, something I was chosen to do." I look towards the clock "It's something that is an honor and uh-" I take a breath and look at the clock once more

"I think he's a little overwhelmed" Papa laughs, a few others laughing with him, not laughing at me, but maybe feeling the nerves that are running through my body right now. "Maybe we should move on to the next piece of news. With each great leader comes a great support system, a great strength, a great love, a great wife."

I watch as Cara begins to make her way over, and I check the clock once more. "Papa please, allow me." I smile and he nods, Cara now standing at the side ready to make her appearance.

"I would like to announce to you all that I am engaged." Everyone begins to clap and cheer. "I'm engaged to a woman who is strong, and beautiful, smart and kind, she's the type of woman any man would be lucky to have by his side and she's a true, born leader in her own right." I turn to Alena and hold out my hand.

She slowly makes her way over to me and I take her hand in mine. "For those of you who don't know her, this is Alena Raven, the future leader of the Cobras in Califonia and my stunning fiance." I turn back to Papa and Cara who both have shocked looks on their faces.

"I know this may come as a surprise to some of you, as Papa arranged this night and had a lot of you believe I was marrying Cara, but that's not happening, not now and not ever. Before my Mamma left this world she gave me strict instructions to only marry for love, only marry the woman I want to spend the rest of my life with and that's what I've chosen to do."

"Awww" A few of the woman in the room gush softly

"Also." I look towards Franco and Layla "Can you guys come up here please?"

"As your official don of the last five minutes, I would like to announce that I am stepping down as Don and handing it over to my second in command, my older brother Franco."

Everyone looks around the room at each other confused and finally, my father speaks

"Enough" he shouts "what the hell do you think you're playing at Domiano if you don't want to be the don I'll take it back."

"You can't." I shrug my shoulders

"And why not?"

"Because it says right here in our rules that someone only has to be officially known as the don for five minutes before they're able to start making rules and changes. That means I am officially the don and I have the right to hand it over to anyone I please."

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