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I was walking through the corridor of my college. It's past seven in the evening. But it's not that much dark, the sun is slowly setting down.  I Am able to see around in the dim light.

I would be at my hostel room by this time if that 'miss ' didn't give me a topic to present a seminar on tomorrow all of a sudden. That too a subject which I have no knowledge.

So I have to visit the college library which is inside the college campus. It's not me who was assigned with this task but my bestie too so she couldn't accompany me.

When she choose the internet to refer I choose the library. Obviously, I like the library the most.

There were two big books in my hand and walking through the corridor cursing that miss.

Suddenly I heard a sound, ... Someone is running through the corridors I think. The sound of taking feet is revolving around the full college.

Who must be that? That too this much late. I thought. My pupil got widen seeing the scene in front of me. I was stuck.

A girl by appearance is running the other part of building and... A hooded man is following her ... 

I was horrified. I gasp. I slowly placed my books on the side and removing my shoes I followed them. They are so far from me. Even I am scared like hell, I want to know what is happening.

The girl entered into a class and the hooded man too. I taking baby step went near the window of that class and hide. That hooded man is pointing the gun towards that girl and the girl is pleading to leave her. My breath got stopped when the hooded man presses the trigger and the girl fall on the ground dead.

I don't know what to do. My breath got uneven. I want to hide. I enter into the nearby class soon and hide behind the door. I was sitting on the ground, closing my mouth with my palm .tears are rolling uncontrolled from my eyes.

I heard the hooded man foot sound. It was coming towards the class within I was hidden. I got feared that I will make any sound out of fear. But I controlled somehow.

The hooded man passed the class. I got a bit of breath. But the scene which I saw. A girl got murdered in front of my eyes make me shiver. The tears are not stopping.

But I have to do something. I have to give Justice to that girl. But what will I do... I am scared... Suddenly I remembered about my phone, which was in my jeans pocket. I took that out. And dialled police.

Due to fear, when the call is finally connected I couldn't make any sentence. The sound is not coming from my throat. But somehow I manage to say some words like ' murder... Hooded... Girl..... Gun.....'

The police officer on the other side seems to understand my inner turmoil said " don't panic. Don't worry. We will be reaching you soon by tracking the location. And if you could get track of that man but you must assure your safety first. We will be reaching soon "

The call got disconnected. Don't know maybe because I contacted the police, I got small courage inside me to follow the hooded man. Slowly I got up from the floor and went outside of the classroom. And slowly began to walk. I directly went to the balcony. Now I can't hear the foot sound.

I hide behind a  thing which was on the balcony and observing the ground and the college. Soon I saw the hooded man walking. I got afraid and hide behind it. Soon I saw a police vehicle which stopped in front of our college gate.

That hooded man was almost like a
centre in the ground and the police outside the gate.

" he is the murderer " I shout with my whole voice and hide before the hooded man to saw me. Some of the policemen chase that man and some came inside the college. I went towards the stairs and saw them climbing up. I waited and let them towards the room where the murder took place. I didn't have the courage to go alone and find who the person is.

We finally reached the room. The police entered first and I followed them. A girl in churidar is lying on the ground. Her face is not visible as the hair is fully fallen on her face.

One of the lady constables slowly swipe the hair and asked me whether I know that girl. It's our college chairperson.

They asked me 'whether she has an enemy in my knowledge ' as I don't know her personally I replay as I don't know.

Soon a policeman came there and informed that the hooded man is caught. Later they asked me whether they should drop me at my house.

I replied no and left to my hostel room. I was feeling proud of my act. I did a great job. I provide justice to the soul.

Happy women day to all

This story have a speciality. I wrote this story on my college story writing competition and guess what I got the first prize. So from them I was thinking to post it here.

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Thank you

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