🌹Chapter Forty - Four🌹

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🌹R O S E II🌹


The day had gone on and before I even knew what was happening, it was already five in the afternoon and I decide to go home after this hard and tiring work day. Besides, I need to get ready for the date that I have with Alexander tonight and somehow there is so much joy inside of me right now that I can't even think about anything else than that date tonight.

"I'm helping you get ready, there is no denying it" Lena says as we get into her car and drive to my mom's house. I roll my eyes. Alexander has also come to his house, I'm sure to get ready or doing whatever he does every day. "Fine, but there is no way that you are choosing the dress, that will be my choice" I tell her.

In fact I already know what dress I want to wear. And he nor Lena or even my mom have seen it, or maybe they have seen this dress in the stores but would never guess that I would buy something like this. While on our shopping trip, I manages to slip past Lena with a couple of dresses and bought them for myself.

It was pretty easy to slip past her because she was too busy running around ever store looking for something to try on and then tries it on. It are dresses that look like something that I would never wear but I couldn't help myself, I saw them and I knew that I would wear them and I know I normally say that I don't wear clothes like that.

"Deal. But I get to do your make-up, besides I'm a whole lot better at it than you even if you looked fabulous at the gala" Lena says and I let out a little laugh. "If you say so" I silently say. I know that I'm not the best at make-up but Lena has the thing that she does and when she does make-up she... how do I put it? Slutty?

I'm not saying that she looks like that but when she's doing other people which means me, she makes them look like that. That is why I normally would like to do it by myself. "Where do you think he will take you?" Lena asks me but I think I already know that she knows where he is taking me and about this date.

But it wouldn't make any sense for him to tell her because Lena is not very good at hiding things from me, though lately she has been getting better and I'm not going into the horrible things. Still it does make sense that he would tell her about the plans he has for tonight so that she can make me ready...? I'm not sure and I'm only confusing myself over here.

I shrug. "I don't know. I would guess that he's going to take to dinner at a fancy restaurant. I mean, that is what he always does so I'm just going to guess that but then again you never really know with that man, he always manages to surprise me in ways that not even I thought possible" I tell her and she hums along as an answer.

"Wherever he is taking you, I think it will be so romantic and I'm actually kind of jealous of the romance things that you will be doing, especially when you bang it out" She says casually. My eyes widen and my jaw drops open by this. If I had water in my mouth I would've spit it out already.

"Lena!" I practically yell at her. She only laughs at me and I look even more shocked at that. I'm not even sure if I should be more shocked because of her words or the fact that she does want this to happen. "What? You can't expect me to not fantasize about you and him in a bed" She says as if nothing were wrong.

But there is so much wrong with that sentence that I can't even believe that she even said that. "I'm not sure what I can say with that" I tell her, honestly I'm even more shocked now than I've ever been. I look behind us and see that there are still some bags left in the car.

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