Have We?

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Thailand's nice warm breeze touched Jungkook unlike Korea. Both Rosé and Jungkook— They were currently in Pattaya— a place where they can be peacefully surrounded by water, just water and land.

Rosé on the other hand, was a bit— to be honest, very much annoyed.
Whenever she thought about it, the hotel manager from yesterday annoyed her even more, still up to this moment.


"Welcome, Sir and Ma'am— this hotel is perfect for honeymoon."

The smiling voice— happily echoed though this perfectly fine five star hotel. Making both Jungkook and Rosé raise their eyebrows in a complete utterly shock.

"We are not married,"

Jungkook who was in a state of trauma along with Rosé stated with an awkward smile on his face.

"Oh, Have a lucky engagement celebration—"

While taking out the key of one presidential room, the manager replied creepily while looking at at the both of them. It was not the managers fault either, they really looked like a foreign couple.

The manager's sudden asumption left them speachless, making Rosé' brows furrow in disbelief.

There were literally two people there right in front of the manager and the manager offering one room really irritated Rosé.

"We aren't engaged either,"

This time a laugh of amusement relieved from Jungkook's mouth as soon as he noticed how annoyed Roseanne's tone was.

Roseanne was confused, confused because of her fellow boss, who had an amused grin over his face. When on the other side of the world— he was supposed to be angry over this situation.

But the fact of Jungkook's 'Maybe we can Play Along' look made Roseanne confused even more. She even started to think that her boss was a complete lunatic and had a multiple personality disorder.

It was like, for a moment he would be deadly serious and then for another moment— he would be carefree just like a complete different person.


The manager sighed while having a different kind of expression on his face while giving a wink to Jungkook, who was laughing the hell out of his stomach.

"Excuse me sir, please stop thinking whatever  that is going through your mind and mind your own business. Please, hand over two keys."

Roseanne bursted out in  one go.

"Roseanne, I didn't know you daydream too."



"Roseanne, I didn't know you daydream too."

I spoke moving my eyebrows in a chucking up voice which eventually made the dreaming girl move from her standing point.

It didn't take much time to snatch up the camera from her daydreaming hands. Most expectedly a startled face greeted me as soon as she broke off her imagination.

 Most expectedly a startled face greeted me as soon as she broke off her imagination

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"I was just thinking, Jungkook."

But something about her makes me think that we have met, somewhere before. Her scents feels like something I missed for a long time and her smile, her voice, its all so familiar.



"Have we met before?"

My question made her stay still for a moment, making her blink several times with a furrowed eyebrows at the same time.

However, making her face my way with a big genuine bright smile.

Those smile.


Her voice added up as she suddenly took the camera back into her arms while making a sudden clicking sound from the camera.

I was nuts to ask her that, ofcourse we didn't meet before.

"Sir, smile."

She laughed at the sight of the picture as soon as the click sound appeared out of blue.

My eyes were wide opened in surprise, when the girl in front of me had her camera ready to go for an another shoot.

It was just so sudden that I was quite sure, it was a funny picture of mine that came out so bad.

"What are you doing?"

My annoyed voice took off while trying to get the camera back over my hand.

"My job."

However, it didn't take a moment for a fast voice mixed with laughter to reply. Much to the worst dismay, she suddenly started to run as fast as a light. While I ended up chasing her, for the picture I didn't even see.

"Roseanne, come back— I swear I will cut of your pay."

"As you wish sir, I am going to print out this picture and distribute it in the social media."

Those smiles and those laughter, Its—


"Have we met before?"

The fact when he asked me if we have met before bothered me as hell. Those words flowed out as if our past together didn't exist at all—and it really did hit me hard.

There wasn't anything that could have changed the question at that time, even if I wish for it dearly.

"Have we met before?"

But his words were mingling with my brain so well that it was hitting my thoughts all over again and again as if it eagerly wanted me to burst  out the truth.

"Have we met before?"

"Ofcourse, we did."

Oh— no!

My silly mouth let out the words which was supposed to flow through my mind.

"Sorry, what was that?"

The soft bold voice of the young millionaire sitting in front of me uttered, while looking towards me as he halted his meal for a second.

"No—othing, nothing."

Or is just Jungkook pretending to not know me or is it just that, there is literally something wrong with him.



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