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I drive away from Evans place. He fucked me than he punched me in the face. It's already begun to swell. I think he may have broken it.
What the fuck? I call up Cartoonz.
"Hey Luke..."
"Hey Jon, what's going on?"
"Evan... he fucked me..."
"Is that why you're crying?" I notice tears on my face.
"No... he hit me after."
"He hit you? Are you okay?"
"My nose is bleeding but... I don't know."
"Shit man."

This always happens when I fall for a popular guy. There's too many fucking school politics. I always get hurt. His mood changed so fast. There's gotta be something wrong. I consider turning around for a second but then decide against it. He might hit me again.
"I'm coming home."
"I'll be waiting for you."
I hang up and burst out crying. Why am I so unlovable? Why does he hate being gay? There's nothing wrong with it.
I get home and hug Cartoonz. I hurt so badly.

((Time skip- next day))
I walk into school with my hood up. The rumor that I am gay has taken its toll. No one but the school knows about my parents. Ashley comes over to me.
"You gonna host anymore parties?"
"Yeah. Tomorrow at 7." I might as well let this shit blow over.
"You know the rumors aren't that bad. Most people say you were so wasted you didn't know what you were doing."
"Shut the fuck up Ash. I'm tired."
She looks at me with a strange look but let's it go. I go through my day spreading the word of the party, and avoiding Jonathan. I saw him earlier and saw that his nose was badly bruised. I feel a terrible amount of guilt for hitting him. I'm no worse than his dad. Fuck.

I avoid Evan in the halls. He seems angry a lot now. What could have happened that made him like this? Was it cause I kissed him?
That can't be all of it.
At lunch we sit on opposite ends of the table. The guys have been good at keeping us separated.
"So I'm having a party tomorrow night."
"On a school night?" Tyler asks surprised.
"Yeah, so do your homework during classes." He stabs at his mystery meat.
"I think we're all up for it. Jonathan are you?" Mini asks me.
"Yeah I'll come." I watch as Evan gets a sad smile. He's happy that I'm coming? God he confuses me.
The bell rings and we all disperse. Next class is Science. Unfortunately Evan is my partner. As I walk toward the class I notice him enter the side stairwell. It's off limits to students so I sneak in after him. I find him sitting on the edge of the roof.
"Evan?" He quickly looks back at me.
"Are you skipping class?"
"Is it cause of me?" He watches me.
"No. I'm ahead in that class. I just don't feel like going." He looks back out at the houses around us.
"Can I ask you something?" I ask while walking toward him.
"Why'd you hit me?" He's quiet for awhile.
"I don't know. I guess I was just mad."
"Why were you mad? What did I do?"
"You're gay."
"Alright ya fucking homophobe I'm out." I start to walk away but his voice stops me.
"Wait. You're gay and..." he sighs. "You made me realize that I am too. And that pissed me off cause I spent my entire life creating a certain image. Being gay doesn't fit it."

I turn back around and decide to sit down next to him.
"You're not gay. You're bi-curious." I say softly.
"I don't like labels. I just like you."
"So you're just attracted to me? Like I'm the only guy you would consider sleeping with?"
"Yeah." I snicker.
"There's a word for that."
"Shut up."
"I'm serious." He looks over to me with a 'drop it' look. We sit in silence for awhile.
"I'm sorry I punched you." He finally says. "My parents died two days ago."
No wonder he's been acting weird. He pulls out a cigarette and lights it. He hands me the pack and lighter. I take one.
"You know these things will kill you." I say as I light mine.
"I don't care." He says softly. I immediately get concerned.

"Evan are you okay? You seem down." He stays quiet. "If there's anything I can do to help just tell me."
"I held a gun to my head yesterday Jon."
"You have a gun?" He nods.
"It's... it was my dads."
Silence settles around us. Me being an empath, I feel his pain. It's a pain I know all too well.
"I'm used to being alone but I always had the thought that they'd come back eventually, but now they won't."
"Evan you should've told Tyler."
"He doesn't know this pain. He wouldn't know what to say."
"I know the pain." I say leaning toward him.
"I'm so sorry Jon. For fucking you then hitting you. For ignoring you. I'm so sorry."
"It's alright. I forgive you." I give him a quick kiss on his lips. "You shouldn't care so much what people think, Evan. You have to be yourself."
"I don't know who I am."
"Ya wanna know a secret?" He makes eye contact.
"Nobody knows who they are. We all have these different theatrical masks for certain people. With the school, you try to be the carefree party guy. I'm the weird loner that used to wear a mask to school. Outside of school I'm the quiet brooding type. When I'm with you guys I'm my true self. Do you understand?" He nods slowly.
"I think I do."
"Good." He holds me close. His depression seems to ease a bit. He is safe now.

((Time skip- the party))
I've been drinking to ease my anxiety. Being myself is a lot harder than I anticipated. I'm tired of Jonathan and I dating in secret. I'm gonna make a show of my love for him. I don't know when I started loving him, but that doesn't matter now. The rumors died off finally. But I'm tired of trying to be someone I'm not. Jonathan comes up to me.
"Hey babe. How ya feeling?" He asks me.
"Since when did you call me babe?" He blushes.
"Shuch up! It just slipped out!" We both laugh and I slip my hand onto his.
"It's okay. I like it." I sense the song nearing its end so I go over to the microphone that is connected to the stereo.
"HELLO PARTY PEOPLE!!!" Everyone cheers.
"I'm going to change things up a bit and sing you guys a song." There's some more cheering as I prep the disc. It's the instrumental version.
I take a deep breath as the song begins playing.

"This goes out to my boyfriend over there, Mr. Jonathan Denis!" I point him out and everyone is so happy and cheering. I love it.

((Listen to whole song <play song>))
As I sing I watch Jonathan. He seems intrigued by the words of the song. I notice his mouth twitch up into a smile. I pour my heart out into the words.

The music flows through the room like a river. His voice echoes over the speakers as he sings directly to me. The song he chooses is about falling in love and I know exactly what he means.
He never wanted to love me, but fate brought us together anyway. When he finishes the song everyone watches as he makes his way to me.
"Wow Evan. That was really fucking sweet." He doesn't say anything. He just leans in and kisses me. There's a chorus of 'awe's
"Will you go to prom with me?" He asks as he takes my hand. This is the first prom proposal of the year. And he made it incredibly hard to top.
"Yes Evan. I'll go to prom with you." He kisses me again and everyone claps. This is perfect. He is perfect.
When he pulls away he looks around at everyone.
"THATS RIGHT. I'M GAY FOR THIS MAN AND ONLY HIM!" He laughs and continues to kiss me. Best day of my fucking life. He just showed me in the best way possible that he's not ashamed to be with me. And I love him for it.

((Time skip- two months before prom))
I'm planning on asking Mini to prom. I'm not sure how I'm going to do it though. I've been planning things with Evan since he went big on his proposal.
"What if we ordered a pizza in his name for lunch and have the question on the inside of the box?" He shakes his head.
"Already done multiple times."
"Shit. What about a cake?"
"What is up with you and food?" He asks me laughing.
"I'm hungry man! Don't judge me."
He continues to laugh. It hits me like a bolt of lightning.
"We put the question on the paper!" I explain and his face lights up.
"That's perfect! And it's edible! We could even make a big thing out of it. I know Nogla wants to ask Lui.
"We'd be forcing him to ask! Shit man you're an evil genius."
And with that we knew exactly what we are going to do.

((Time skip))
We are all sitting down to lunch and its time to commence our plan.
"So Tyler and I made a bunch of fortune cookies for fun. Y'all want one?" Everyone expresses their gratitude as He hands them out.
"Tyler you go first." Evan says handing me my cookie. I read my 'fortune'.
"Love is just one step away." I nod pleased. I knew I was going to get that one. Some of the guys awe at it.
"My turn!" Delirious says excited. He opens his. "A night of dick is in your future." He cracks up laughing. "What the fuck?" His hysterical laugh makes me laugh.
"Your turn Mini!" I say praying to god Evan gave him the right one.
"Alright here we go. You are amazing and will you go to Prom with me... wait what?"
"Mini, I've known you for a long time. And I was wondering, will you go to Prom with me?"
Mini gets a huge smile.
"Of course I'll go with you Tyler!" He jumps out of his seat and kisses Tyler on the cheek.
"Alright, Lui your turn!"
"Yay!" He uses his squeaker voice. "An unexpected surprise is coming your way. I like surprises!" It's Nogla turn. He's the last to open his.
"Alright here ye go. You have a very important question on your mind. Say it now." A look of realization crosses his face. "Yer cunts ye know that?"
"What's the question Nogla?" I pry.
Nogla sighs and turns to Lui.
"Lui, would you maybe want to go to Prom with me as more than just friends?"
"I thought you'd never ask." He says then grabs Nogla's face and kisses him. We all cheer.
I put an arm around Mini and he snuggles into me. This is perfect.

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