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The stars glowed like a million little flashlights twinkling in the sky, each only an inch away from the next, as far as anyone down on Earth cared. Of course, from where Everhet was, you couldn't exactly tell.

The city glowed almost brighter than a star, though its gas emissions were far less acceptable. The whole city smelled like smoke and pizza, people ignoring each other as they shuffled to where they needed to be.

The streets, however, were nothing of Everhet's concern, as he was careening down the side of a building at a speed faster than anyone could imagine outside of a motor vehicle; and at that, one going too fast to be legal.

With the flick of his hands, his downward momentum ceased, and he began to float in the air, surrounded by purple flames. The flames shot down at the ground, dissipating on impact, as he hurled himself back toward the top of the building to meet his enemy. The rain pelted his face like a million little pebbles as he shot through the air with tremendous speed.

"April told me something important, Everhet," the magician yelled, "You'll never get what you want in life unless you work hard for it. The best solution is never the easiest one!" He sent a zap of lightning at Everhet but missed.

"I can think of a few examples where that'd be false." Everhet prepared a counter-attack, bombarding the magician with blasts of fire.

"I hope you don't have any commitments tonight, this might be a long fight!" the magician laughed maniacally with the expectation that this wouldn't take only a few minutes. "You know, I've only met you twice, kid. I can tell you've got the grit to do something great. It's such a shame we have to rip that away from you like we did to poor little Terry!"

"I have no idea who that is. And if you're concerned for time, I actually have a school dance to be at in ten minutes, so let's wrap this up quickly, please." Everhet conjured the purple flames again, but he was once again knocked out of the sky by an unexpected blast of energy from the magician.

This time, the magician followed him. "Oh, is that right? Well, I'd hate to keep you waiting. Were you gonna ask out a pretty girl and have a dance with her, my little man?"

"What the--"

"It's not far from here. Maybe we can stop by early and make the party even better!" The magician giggled fanatically. Everhet felt his heart sink. He should not have said that.

(Ooh cool cliff-hanger there, I can't wait for the new part to come out that's definitely happening)

Phenomen-04: A Narrative of NaivetyWhere stories live. Discover now