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Todoroki's P.O.V:

I wanted to ask Midoriya out on a date but it seems Bakugou got to him first. Midoriya had already told me what happened and why he's staying at his house and unsupervised of all things I mean crap Bakugou could kill poor Midoriya in the span of two months. Bakugou may be cruel but maybe not as bad as I thought. 

During training Midoriya had a mental breakdown about not being able to find his Hero Notebook. And I felt sorry about it especially when he went on and on about how it's his fault we couldn't beat my father in a sparring match. He didn't make it any better when he called Midoriya a pathetic weakling that would never amount to anything. So in anger I iced his mouth shut. Which he later melt off and without being careful he burnt his mouth with how hot the water got. It was hilarious and took all I had to not laugh. Midoriya was cute when he busted out into laughter he literally died it was funny as hell. Anyhow I decided to go to Midoriya's house today and he wasn't picking up his phone nor answering my texts. I was getting worried. So, I rushed over to his house and knocked. No answer. His door was unlocked and I was even more scared he was always cautious when it came to safety. I rush in and run up the stairs I open his room door and...oh my goodness I can't believe what I just walked into.

I see Midoriya sleeping on Bakugou's chest while Bakugou had earphones in. He looks up at me in shock and starts whisper shouting at me asking me what I was doing here and how I even got in. I explain to him the situation and he tells me to wait downstairs in the kitchen while he puts clothes on. Wait why the hell didn't he have clothes on? Did they? No Midoriya wouldn't, Bakugou maybe but not with Midoriya no. This must be some weird misunderstanding but I can't find an excuse. I mean Midoriya wouldn't go with such a jerk like him right? Who am I kidding, Midoriya would go with anybody okay maybe not Mineta he's an exception. Besides I thought Midoriya liked me I mean he's just the kindest to me. Wow am I really that stupid he's like that to everyone. Don't mean he loves everyone. Jeez I don't know how to feel about Midoriya and Bakugou going out. I don't, what do the girls say in class 'ship it' yeah that. What I ship is me and Midoriya and Bakugou with a stripper maybe, Mineta's sister. I mean if he had one. Oh god if Mineta had a sister he would rape her Jesus Christ never mind. 

I finally see Bakugou coming down the stairs with an orange hoodie saying Ur mom sux me dry every night. Jesus what the hell is wrong with him. His pants say Anti-Idiot on the legs. Of course. 

"What the hell do you want?" He yelled.

" I was going to ask Midoriya of something but after what I saw I believe the answer is no."

Bakugou's P.O.V:

When he said that I felt...guilt. 

Goddammit what the hell is with all these damn emotions. 

Cut that shit out emotions make you weak the only emotion you need is anger. 

All this new shit has to stop.






stop that. Emotions are weak as fuck uncalled for.

And goddammit my love for Izuku gets stronger and stronger every day. Ugh feelings are so frustrating.



"Leave. Right. Now"

He turns to leave and I sigh honestly I don't even deserve Izuku but IcyHot does. In the corner of my eye I see sleeping beauty coming downstairs. Wearing the same clothes as this morning. 

𝙄'𝙢 𝙨𝙤𝙧𝙧𝙮, 𝙥𝙡𝙚𝙖𝙨𝙚 𝙛𝙤𝙧𝙜𝙞𝙫𝙚 𝙢𝙚.Where stories live. Discover now