Chapter 1

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"Amelia! Wake up, you're going to be late for school!" Mom yelled from downstairs as I groaned.

Hi, nice to see you again, I'm Amelia Wells, and I am a vampire and a disgrace to my family, well a disgrace to my parents but not to Addison, my twin sister says that's not true, but I know it is.

I rolled out of bed before heading to my closet so I could pick out an outfit.

I decided to skip breakfast so I could get to school early.

Once I got there, the pack and the zombies sat on the picnic tables.

Wyatt and Zed immediately saw me.

Zed has been different ever since Prawn but we haven't had time alone for me to ask him.

"Babe!" Wyatt pulled me into his arms once I snapped out of my thoughts.


We pulled away as Zed smiled at me.

"Where's Addison?"

"Eating breakfast, I didn't want to deal with my parents so I skipped." I told him as he nodded.

"I have blood bars in my bag so I'm good."

"You should move into the wolf den." Willa said from where she sat with Eliza.

"You can move into my room, it's the biggest. And I'll take Wyatt's bunk."

"And where would I sleep?" Wyatt asked.

"With her, duh." She rolled her eyes at her brother.

That's when Addison and Bree made their way over.

"Amelia, why'd you leave so early?" My sister asked.

"Didn't want to deal my mom and dad." I grabbed Wyatt's hand.

"Anyways we have art." We bid our goodbyes before heading towards the school.

It was just after lunch and Wyatt dragged me into the supply closet.

"What're you doing?" I asked.

"Move in with me." He grabbed my hands.

"You didn't have to drag me into a supply closet to ask me." I told my boyfriend.

"I know but I did for this."

Wyatt wrapped his arms around my waist pulling into a kiss.

I kissed him back, while wrapped my hands around my neck to keep him close.

His fangs grazed my bottom lip as we pulled away.

"Yes. I'll move in with you." Wyatt smiled.

"I can't wait."

I giggled at my boyfriend before leaning in for another kiss.

I stood in my room, packing my clothes and other essentials in bags. Mom and Dad stood at my bedroom door.

"You are 16, you cannot move out." Mom snapped at me.

"Oh like you care?" I threw a shirt in my duffle turning to them.

"What are you talking about Amelia?" Dad asked.

"You don't care about me. Ever since I turned, you both have treated me like garbage, like I was a monster." I said.

"Amelia, that's not."

"I heard you, in your room that night wishing that I was like Addison or Bucky. But I'm not! Since then you two have been acting like I'm not your daughter." I kept my tears at bay.

"So I'm making it easier for you. You can now have your perfect daughter, and your perfect life with out me in it.

I pushed the rest of my stuff in then zipped my bags closed.

I picked them up and pushed my way past mom and dad making my way down the stairs.

I walked into the wolf den and dropped my bags.

"Babe, what's wrong?" Wyatt came over.

And that's when I lost it, going into his arms to sob my eyes out.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 12, 2022 ⏰

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