#9 Overreaction

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Louis- It all started when you were out for dinner, he was ignoring you and on his phone the entire time. Eventually you just got so pissed off that you excused yourself to the bathroom (which he ignored) and went straight out the door and took a cab home without telling him. You got home, put your pajamas on and got into bed with a tea and cried for about an hour until you heard the door open downstairs. You tried to wipe the makeup off of your cheeks but it was smudged all over, you grunted in frustration. You were scared to face him, but you were also really upset and angry at the same time.

        "Y/N??" He knocked lightly on the bathroom door, his voice was calmer than you expected it to be.

        "Oh? Not too busy for me now? I finally get to have a conversation with my boyfriend?" You flung the door open and noticed that he had been crying too. He took one look at you and wrapped his arms around you. You struggled out of his grip and folded your arms across your chest. "Louis, do you even love me anymore?" You sobbed. 

        "Don't ever say that! Of course I love you!" He shouted.

        "Well why did you ignore me all day today? And at dinner you barely said a word to me!" 

        "I"m sorry! I just... my gran died this morning." He started to cry again and fell onto the bed with his face in his hands.

        "Oh my god Louis, I'm so so sorry I overreacted about dinner.. why didn't you say something!!" You sat down on the bed beside him and pulled his head into your lap, stroking his hair. 

        "I-I-I dunno.. I just didn't want to cry... but it's too late now."

        "Lou.. you never have to hide your emotions from me. I love you so much." You kissed his head and continued to stroke his hair while he cried.

        "I love you more Y/N.. thank you.."

When he was done crying you made him a tea and the two of you cuddled in bed and watched a movie. 

Harry- Since the boys were on tour with 5sos you started to become close with the guys of the band, always hanging around with them backstage. You and Ashton were especially close, the two of you started to hangout sometimes even on days off when Harry didn't want to leave the hotel. That day, you were all in Hollywood and you begged Harry to take you to see the hollywood sign but he said he was too tired. Ashton and Luke offered to go with you so you took them up on the offer. When you were there many fans stopped the boys and even you to ask for pictures. At one spot Ashton had to hold your hand and help you get up a little path, you heard giggling behind you but ignored it. When you got back to the hotel and to the door of your room, Ashton gave you a huge bear hug and kissed you on the forehead like he usually did. The second he kissed your forehead the hotel door flew open and Harry barged out, grabbing Ashton by the collar of his shirt and pushing him up against the wall. 

        "I KNEW IT! I knew you were cheating on me with Ashton!" He shouted at you, his hands still gripping Ashton's shirt. 

        "Listen man, we're just friends..." Ashton tried to say but Harry pushed him harder against the wall. 

        "Harry! Nothing is going on between Ash and I! We're just friends!" 

        "How come I saw a picture of you and him holding hands on twitter then?" He let Ashton go and pulled his phone out of his pocket, showing you the photo. You knew that was taken exactly when you heard the giggling earlier.

        "He was helping me get up the path after you denied taking me to see the Hollywood sign for the thousandth time!" His face softened and he ran his fingers through his hair. "You fucking know I'd never cheat on you Harry, you should've asked me before overreacting like this!" 

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