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I just remembered this fic I did back in June 2018 and never posted. I was going to do two more, one for Pam and one for Eve, and then Eve turned out to be snake in season 4, and season 5... Well, if you've seen season 5, that pretty much says it all. Anyway, I stumbled upon this and decided to post it anyway in case anyone wanted to read it. It's a Jess fic, but who doesn't love Jess?


It's Friday night in National City, a time for partying with friends, staying home with loved ones, and working late at one of the fastest-growing Fortune 200 Companies in the country. L-Corp may not be known for its mirth and merriment, but it more than makes up for it in innovation and stock options. Still, it's work to live not live to work, and though the company's young CEO didn't seem to always know that, things in her life, things, in this case, being people (or person even though nothing has been openly admitted by either party) have begun to change her perspective for the better. However, company cultural shifts don't happen overnight.

Stepping out of her office at L-Corp, heels clicking on the floor, Lena pauses and clears her throat. "It's Friday night."

Jess doesn't lift her head, gaze still locked on the screen as she continues to type, and her expression remains unchanged. It's been a long day at the end of a long week at the end of a long month at... There's always more than enough work for her to do, and until recently, she's been the one dragging herself home and fretting over her boss' even later hours. It doesn't make the recent departure from norms unwelcome. "Yes, I was aware. There's a calendar function in Outlook. I'm rather surprised you're familiar with it."

Arms crossed and eyes narrowed, Lena taps her toes. "Don't sass me, Jessica."

"Of course, Miss Luthor." There's a hint of a smirk. Lena Luthor may strike fear in the heart of stuffy old board members and other CEOs, but Jessica is well aware of Lena's bark to bite ratio. It's not that Lena won't bite. Many companies have scars from misstepping, but this is an all bark moment and a bark of affection at that.

"I'm telling you that you should go home, go out, go wherever, but don't stay here. You're young. You have better places to be."

"I'm young and have better places to be than at work all the time?" Now Jess does pause in her typing as she lifts her head and looks over the screen at her employer. "Oh, pot, the kettle feels accused."

"The kettle is going to feel fired if she doesn't get her ass out of here, Miss Attitude."

An honest smile spreads across Jess' face. "I'm just finishing up an email, and then I'm heading out. I've got to go pick up some groceries and feed Gus."

Lena holds up a single finger. "One email."

"I'd already be done if someone wasn't hovering."

"All right. All right." Hands up, Lena backs away toward the elevators. It's as close as Jess has ever seen Lena to surrender. Jess once saw Lena, with the muzzle of a gun pressed to her head, tell the attacker that her password was 1234FU. Sometimes it's honestly shocking her brass balls don't clang when she walks. As Lena reaches the elevators and pushes the button to summon one, she sticks a hand into her purse and pulls out her phone. "You do know I can hack the security cameras with this. I'll know what time you leave."

"I'm pretty sure you can hack the space shuttle with that." Jess makes a shooing motion with both hands, but the threat is acknowledged.

"That was a school project." The elevator opens, and Lena backs in, blowing Jess a kiss. "Have a wonderful weekend. Give my love to Gus. He's just the cutest."

Jess waits until Lena presses the button for the ground floor before replying, "Have a wonderful weekend. Give my love to Miss Danvers. She's just the cutest." It's a forward move, but it's worth the reaction.

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